Page 91 of Rescuing Rebel
I just have to play nice with the devil in the meantime.
Adrenaline courses through me as I reach the secured communications room, our makeshift command center within Haven. My team is on high alert, senses primal and focused.
I gather my men. Their faces are grim, sensing this impromptu meeting signals a call to action. “Kaufman’s pushed the auction to this Friday.”
“Fuck.” Jeb whistles. “We’re close, but not that close.”
“I know this adds a wrinkle, but it doesn’t alter our goal.” I outline the new developments tersely. “We adapt and make it work.”
A chorus of muttered curses answers me. Hank’s massive fists clench, corded veins standing out in his forearms. Gabe’s stern face sets in implacable lines while Blake grinds his jaw, a storm brewing beneath his stony exterior.
“I’m open to suggestions.”
Jeb, ever the pragmatist, speaks first. “Getting the women out won’t be easy. We can disable security systems, but we’re not able to deal with armed resistance.” His fingers twitch as if typing on an imaginary keyboard. “I’m not excited about taking on Kaufman’s men with just my fists, and I’m not sure we can sneak out with that many women.”
Hank crosses his bulging arms. “These bastards watch us like hawks. Stealth won’t work. We need a distraction if we’re getting those women out.” His gruff voice leaves no room for doubt—he’s ready to bring the pain.
“Agreed. Hitting them hard is our best option.” Blake shrugs. “Fewer moving parts to screw the op. We need weapons and explosives, though. Something to lay down suppressing fire, blow some doors, grab the women, and exfil as fast as possible.”
Walt shakes his head. “Getting out won’t be easy even with a distraction. This place is a fortress.”
“We need exit strategies and alternate routes planned out in advance.” Gabe’s deep voice rumbles with authority. “It’s a lot to risk without the right gear. There will be casualties among the women if we fuck this up.”
A hush falls as we absorb Gabe’s words. He’s right—lives will be lost once we cross this line, but weighed against the innocent suffering here, we must be willing to pay that price.
“After that auction, they’re dead already.” I hate saying it, but it’s the truth.
“I might know a way.” All eyes turn to Stitch. For her part, she seems deep in contemplation. “A remote overload of the main generator would cause system disruptions. Under cover of darkness, I could guide you to the women undetected through maintenance tunnels. There areotherexits from this place.”
“Other? Where?” I’m curious.
“Old drainage ditches in the sub-basement to remove waste.”
“Sounds wonderful.” I scrunch my nose at the thought of wading through old waste tunnels.
“Haven was built on the bones of a much older structure. That’s why there are so many sub-levels. I don’t think those ditches have been used since this place was overhauled and modernized plumbing installed.”
I consider this carefully. Stitch is brilliant.
“That might just work.” Combined with guerilla-force distraction tactics proposed by my men, we have the kernels of a workable plan.
It’s not an easy choice, but it’s our only choice.
I meet each man’s gaze again, seeing my steely resolve reflected back.
One by one, they nod, a wordless promise passing between us.
“Then it’s decided. “With steady fingers, I input the 25-digit encryption code for the secured line to Guardian HRS Stitch set up the first day we arrived. It has yet to be used. The line crackles to life, and CJ’s craggy face appears on the screen.
“Ethan, what’s the status?” His gruff voice is all business.
“Kaufman moved up the next auction to Friday.” I keep my voice low but crisp. These walls have ears. “Request permission to execute a rescue.”
CJ leans forward, interest sparking in his eyes. “We’re not prepped for a rescue, let alone one by week’s end.”
“We’ve mapped Haven’s layout, and Stitch found an unmonitored extraction route through old drainage tunnels.”
“What numbers are we looking at for hostiles and rescues?” CJ’s tactical brain is already synthesizing the operational details.