Page 39 of Rescuing Rebel
Charlie team.
My team.
“Debrief.” The single word commands their attention.
We gather in the center of our bullpen, a loose circle of hard bodies and harder eyes.
“Hank?” I turn to the former Green Beret. “Your assessment?”
“Target extraction went clean. We wasted time sending a team to the back as there was no egress out that way, but we didn’t have that intel. Could have been smoother, but the rough edges weren’t our fault and not a problem.” Hank’s voice rumbles, his words plain and blunt. A soldier’s report.
“Walt?” He’s one of the few who comes to the Guardians from the Air Force. An ex-para jumper, he’s a skilled paramedic. He brushes his hand over his shaven head. “Medical assessment. Ally’s stable, with no permanent damage. Other than a few cuts and bruises, she’ll recover.”
I nod, turning next to Blake. He’s a solid wall of muscle, silent and watchful. “Tactical assessment?”
Blake raises a brow, a hint of amusement in his gaze. “We flew. We landed. We fought. She’s here.” His voice drips sarcasm, but that’s Blake. He’s a wiseass through and through.
I crack a smile. “Never change, Blake.” The guys laugh, breaking the tension.
“Jeb?” I turn to our tech wizard. His fingers twitch as if itching for a keyboard.
“Secured their phones. The techies have them now. Should have full intel in a few hours.” His voice is clipped and precise. Every syllable is a nugget of information.
“First thoughts?” No way in hell did Jeb not take a look inside those phones.
“Idiot never deleted his conversations. They’re all on his phone. Mitzy and her team won’t have any problem tracing those breadcrumbs.”
Last is Gabe, a mountain of a man with a face as stern as an Easter Island statue.
“Nothing to add that hasn’t been said.” He’s short on words, but I’ve learned not to discount his opinions.
“Well done. Another successful mission.” I clap my hands, ending the debrief.
We break down our gear, and the room fills with the clatter of metal and lewd jokes between my men.
They are the best of the best. United under the Guardian banner, they are my brothers in arms. I’ve trusted them with my life, and they’ve trusted me with theirs. They’re finally beginning to accept me as their team leader, and I value that trust.
They each bring unique skills and experiences to the table. Hank’s strategic prowess. Walt’s medical expertise. Blake’s steady hand and eagle eye. His sniper skills are legendary. Jeb’s a technological genius, smart enough to be on Mitzy’s team but stout enough to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Guardians. He may have a brilliant mind, but the man is a Guardian at heart. Then there’s Gabe’s raw strength and brilliance. He’s a munitions expert and an all-around MacGyver when it comes to creativity and solving problems in the field.
Each of them is crucial to the success of our team, and as I watch them, I can’t help but feel a surge of pride.
“Just one more thing,” I call out to my team, grabbing their attention. “Complacency kills. We stay sharp. We stay ready.”
“Copy that.” They respond as a collective, showing how deep our bond ties us together.
Brotherhood thrives in spaces like this—the bullpen, the showers, the common areas—where we eat, sleep, laugh, and bleed. This is where we train, where trust is earned, camaraderie is fostered, and bonds of the deepest friendship and respect are forged.
Hank’s booming voice silences the room. “Pizza and beer tonight. Who’s buying the first round?” He places his index finger on his nose, indicating it’s not him.
A quick succession of nose-pointing follows. I find myself the last man, my finger not quite reaching my nose in time.
Walt grins. “Sorry, gotta be quicker on the draw, boss.”
“Charlie-One is buying.Whoop-whoop!” Hank teases, a broad grin on his face.
“Fine, I see how it is. First round’s on me then.” The fact that they’re picking on me and including me says I’m one of them now.
The laughter continues as we clean our gear. This is how we unwind and cope with the burden of our job. The weight of our responsibilities fades into the background for a moment, and we’re just six guys looking forward to pizza and beer.