Page 28 of Rescuing Rebel
Her lips part, and that’s all it takes. I force her to take me, gagging her on my cock. My fingers thread through her curly red hair, and I turn into something dark and dangerous.
Holy hell, the woman knows how to suck cock. My toes curl. My hips rock back and forth, speeding up until I thrust in and out of her mouth. Blood surges to my cock, stiffening it as heat coils at the base of my spine. It’s not long before my balls tingle with my impending release.
Thinking to pull her off my dick and get her off before I come, she surprises me when she grips the back of my thighs. Her gaze tilts up, and our eyes meet. Her luscious lips wrap around my cock as she shakes her head, pleading.
At this moment, she is everything—my whole world condensed into flushed skin, ravenous lips, and the rasp of her tongue against my cock. I am utterly consumed, my senses overwhelmed, transformed beyond recognition into an untamed creature of raw lust.
This release takes me by surprise and comes powerfully, making my legs shake and knees tremble. I collapse beside her on the rocks, spent and soaked in sated bliss.
Tonight, I’m lost to wanton euphoria.
My restraint lies in tatters, burned away in blistering waves of heat. Only the beast remains, taking everything she offers again and again beneath the pounding surf. I reach for my belt and watch her eyes glaze over with lust.
It’s a delicate balance, but one that ultimately pays off. Rebel relaxes and submits to my will. Her soft moans become louder as I claim more and more of her with each passing minute.
In moments like this, words are unnecessary—our bodies speak for us in ways that mere words cannot express.
After I’m done fucking her, I hold her close as our breathing returns to normal. At first, we revel in the afterglow of sex, but then she curls into my embrace, and I hold her through her soft sobs.
It’s a dichotomy of emotions, forcing her, then holding her afterward. But I gave her exactly what she needed.
We rest for a while, each of us silent with our thoughts. In between waves of lust, we stare out at the ocean, listening to the crashing of the surf.
With her curled in my arms, she asks me about the Guardians and how I came to join them. What it is we do. How we plan and execute our missions.
With her opening up to me about her darkest secrets, I tell her everything about the four Guardian teams and the Guardian Protectors who provide personal protection detail to individual clients. I can’t stop talking about Mitzy’s amazing technical team and their incredible accomplishments.
Her questions are surprisingly astute, and I love that I can share something with her.
When the mood strikes, I take her hard and unapologetically. There’s no asking. Her orgasms are notably longer and more intense the rougher I am with her. The more raw and feral, the more intense her pleasure.
I’ll feed that beast all day long.
Or rather, allnightlong.
Nothing about this woman makes any sense. She seems too good to be true, and the two of us appear to be perfectly matched.
We simply—fit.
The first hints of dawn begin to creep over the horizon, signaling the end of our passionate night together. Rebel lays curled against me, skin glowing in the soft predawn twilight, our legs still tangled together.
I run my fingers idly along her arm, marveling again at how perfectly we fit, how in sync our bodies move. We’ve explored each other intimately—every sensitive spot investigated.
We also tested each other’s boundaries, sharing fantasies in hushed whispers between heated kisses. She arched into my every caress, hungry and uninhibited. I’ve never met another woman as open and honest as Rebel.
Never experienced such an intense connection so quickly.
Stifling a jaw-cracking yawn, I drift off, lulled to sleep by the rhythmic pounding of the surf. Rebel nuzzles against my chest, her warm body pressed to mine. Safe and sated, I let sleep pull me under, content to hold her in my arms.
But when I later wake, I’m met with an emptiness that makes my heart drop. Rebel is gone. Only the imprint of her body beside me remains. I sit up in alarm, scanning the empty beach.
She’s nowhere in sight.
A hollow ache settles in my chest at her absence. A sense of wrongness follows. I thought we forged a connection. One that went beyond physical attraction.
Was I wrong?
Dragging a hand through my hair, I stare at the endless ocean.