Page 21 of Rescuing Rebel
“I don’t want to take advantage of—”
“If you dare say the wordsfragile, orsurvivor,or any of the things they try to tell us in group, I’m going to scream. All I want is to feelnormal.I want to be with a handsome man, walk on the beach at sunset, look at a few tide pools if we can, then find someplace secluded to be swept off my feet by an amazing kiss, and what I hope to be much more.” I stare up at him, watching the play of expressions parade across his face.
He knows what will happen if he follows me to the beach, and I’m tired of waiting. With a puff of breath to push an errant curl out of my eyes, I spin around and march down the rocky path.
Agonizing seconds pass—agony when I think he won’t follow—but the crunch of gravel behind me tells me everything I need to know.
Ethan is more than willing to join me down on the beach. As for sex? Who knows? His gallant-knight-on-a-white-stallion-savior-thing might still get in the way.
We descend the cliffside path in silence.
Once on the beach, I take a shaky breath. “It’s just—memories of what was done to me are things I don’t want to visit. They don’t haunt me like they do the others. I’m way more resilient than most people. I don’t want to discuss that in therapy, but I listen to what they say. To take back our lives, we need to find a new normal. I don’t neednew.I just need normal, and you feel a whole lot like normal. A man I can get lost in.”
Ethan’s jaw tightens. “I can’t imagine how traumatic that must have been for you. You have such strength. Would it help to share what happened with me? I find the act of discussing trauma is generally a good first step to overcoming it.”
I cling to his arm. “Something about you makes me feel safe, but discussingthatwithyou?It only makes me feel worse about what happened. Maybe later?” I place my palm gently on his chest. His heart pounds rapidly under my touch.
“I’m here if you feel safe to share.” Clearly, he needs to hear my sob story before anything between us has a chance of beginning.
I take a breath and share a story that’s not mine. It’s ridiculous, but he’s not going to let this go. The Alpha Hero in him demands he save me from mytraumain addition to rescuing me from that hellacious place.
“I met a man at a cafe near my college. He was charming and handsome. Said all the right things to make me believe he cared.” This is not my story. It belongs to my sister, but I can’t help but get choked up telling it. I describe Violet’s abductor wooing me, planting ideas of a future together. “He gained my trust before asking me to meet him at a secluded spot. When I arrived, everything changed.” I recount what Violet told me, those few rushed words before her abductor turned hostile, forcing her into a vehicle.
Taking her.
“For days, he kept me locked up. I had no idea what he planned for me. I thought he was going to kill me.” I make my voice shake and cling to Ethan, selling Violet’s trauma.
Ethan covers my hand with his own. “You never have to fear that again. I promise I’ll protect you.” His voice rings with sincerity.
“How, what?”
“How can you promise that? Unless you’re always going to be around me, I don’t see how you can make that promise.”
Ethan meets my searching gaze. “I’ll train you to defend yourself when I’m not around. Not just how to defend yourself but how to anticipate and read an environment. How to know when it’s unsafe and when you need to leave.”
I give him a brave smile. “Thank you. It means so much to have someone like you watching over me.”
Seriously, his hero complex is too much. It’s sickening, but—honestly?—a little part of me wants to believe men like him still exist. Sadly, most men are assholes or monsters.
Ethan pulls me into a gentle yet solid embrace. I hide my smile against the warm strength of his chest. His spicy scent lifts on the breeze and envelops me. He’s slipping deeper into my trap with each tender gesture, but so am I. I’m falling for my gallant savior.
I would love to stay in his arms forever and live the future life he sees for me, but my path is a different, more treacherous one.
When we continue walking, I squeeze his hand as if cementing a hard truth. “There aren’t many honorable men left. I’m glad you’re one of them.”
Ethan rubs his thumb over my knuckles, sending tingles up my arm. “Your trust is important to me.”
I gaze up at him, knowing I need to keep this man close. “I feel safe with you, but don’t let me down.”
Ethan lifts my hand to his lips. “You have my word.”
His breath warms my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. I have him right where I want him, which is perfect. I can reel him in further.
But is that what I want? To use and abuse him?
Truthfully, I wish I could spend more time with Ethan. He makes me want to believe in the goodness in others. Unfortunately, he’s a rarity in life.