Page 110 of Rescuing Rebel
“We got all the women out but are missing Jeb and Stitch. Max is standing ready to send the Rufi back to look.”
“We’ll meet up with Alpha team and problem-solve from there.”
“Thanks. Appreciate you.”
“Back at you. Get those women to safety. We’ll find your teammate.”
“Copy that.”
I wrap my arms around Rebel, feeling tremors coursing through her slender frame. She leans her head against my chest and sits in the cradle of my legs, where I protect her injured leg. I stroke her hair, murmuring soft words of comfort.
So much remains unspoken between us, but I hold her for now, letting my presence anchor her. Soon, we’ll be safe. Soon, we can begin unwinding the tangled threads between us—if she’s ready to let me in.
I don’t think I really understood what her sister means to her. Rebel was willing to risk her life to find whatever was on that paper. She never lost her grip on it. Not when she stumbled. Not when she fell. Not even when I lifted her over my shoulder and carried her to safety. She clutches it even now as if it means the world to her.
The trip to the airfield seems endless, but we finally arrive where Guardian HRS’s jet waits on the tarmac, engines rumbling in anticipation of our arrival.
When we pull up next to the airplane, Walt and Gabe climb out of the back of the truck. Hank and Blake stay where they are. They help Rebel stand on her good leg while I jump to the ground.
Gently, they lower her injured form into my arms. Cradling her, I take off for the airstairs while my teammates help the women climb down from the tall truck.
CJ’s craggy face greets me at the top of the airstairs. Beside him, Doc Summers is there with her medical team. Fortunately, our injuries are light.
Except for Rebel.
“Any word on Jeb?” I ask.
“Not yet.” CJ ushers me into the plane, where Doc Summers greets me. She takes one look at the tourniquet on Rebel’s leg and immediately directs me to the in-flight medical suite, where I place Rebel on an operating table.
With practiced efficiency, they inspect the damage and jump right in. The CRNA, Tia, places an IV in Rebel’s arm while the Respiratory Therapist, Ryker, preps his airway equipment for surgery.
I take that as my cue. Her injury is not only serious, but life-threatening.
Knowing that whatever’s on that paper is precious to Rebel, I gently extricate it from her arms and keep it safe.
“We need to operate.” Doc Summers places a hand on my chest, the gentle pressure pushing me back from Rebel’s side. “That bullet hit an artery. Smart move with the tourniquet, but we have to operate now if we’re going to save her leg.” She excuses me from the in-flight surgical suite, leaving me to join my teammates and help settle our newest rescues.
CJ clasps my arm. “Damn fine work down there.”
“Thanks, but I’m missing Jeb and Stitch.”
“Mitzy’s already on it. She activated his trackers, and Alpha and Bravo stayed behind to find them. Right now, let’s get you home.”
“I should stay.”
“Normally, I’d agree, but we can’t afford the distraction.” CJ glances toward where Rebel is getting prepped for emergency surgery. It’s his way of telling me to take a step back from my responsibilities as team leader. He knows what Rebel means to me.
“Understood.” I give a tired nod, unwilling to argue the point when I know he’s right.
A flash of memory strikes me, returning me to months ago when we pulled Rebel out of Nicaragua.
A fiery-haired woman who stood out from the others. Defiance blazing in her eyes, her spirit unbroken despite the condition we find her in.
From the instant we met, I knew there was something different about this woman. I have questions, but they’ll have to wait until after Rebel emerges from surgery.