Page 68 of Maxwell
"It has." He bent to kiss her forehead. "I felt like I hadn’t eaten for years and being inside you like that brought me home.
Nothing in my imagination can ever compare to the real thing. I spent time trying to relieve myself when the pressure was too much. I’d take your panties and rub them over my cock and imagined I was deep inside you, but it was never enough."
"Oh, Maxwell." She whispered.
"I yearned for you in ways I never want to feel again." His hand drifted to her neck. "I’m never leaving you again, darling. Ever.”
“I agree. I’m hungry."
"What?" He gave a startled laugh. "For food?"
"For food." She told him with an impish smile. "Let's go and raid the kitchen."
He was so happy she was eating that if she’d wanted him to go across town to buy food, he would have gladly obliged.
""Let's get dressed first, shall we?"
"Oh, absolutely."
He watched indulgently as she broke off a hunk of bread to go with the soup. The kitchen was a large room with a curved island in the middle and a dining table settled directly under a large bay window. It was quiet and spotless at that time of the night and he’d joined her to eat some of the soup that had been in the warmer.
"Mrs. Williams makes her own bread."
"It's delicious." He agreed, biting into it.
"Isn't it. Amazing sex and now supper. I feel spoiled."
"You are." He grinned at her. " I love the fact you’re eating.”
“I told you I’m getting better.”
"I hope so."
She gazed at him. "I love you."
" I love you back. Let's finish and go back upstairs, before-"
"Ms. Alessia, Mr. Maxwell, you should have called me."
"Ah, Mrs. Williams, we were feeling a little peckish-"
"That's quite all right, Ms. Alessia." The woman was dressed in her old faded pink robe and wearing a bandana on her head as she walked into the room. "Good to see you’re getting better. Leave the dishes here and I’ll see to them."
"I hope we didn’t wake you." Maxwell murmured, feeling as if he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Of course not. I always come back to make sure everything is as it should be."
"We’re finished." Pushing back the chair, Alessia got to her feet, followed by Maxwell. "Goodnight." They both escaped and bounded up the stairs.
The resemblance of the man she loved to the woman who greeted them at the gate was uncanny. Hilda's hair was threaded heavily with gray, but the hazel eyes were the same and it was obvious she cared very much about Maxwell. He’d made sure to clear it with the doctors before taking her for the ride.
"My dear, it's lovely to meet you. Please come around the side. Mavis made a feast before she left." Hilda eyed her nephew. "Don’t worry, she’ll be back before you leave."
She led the way around a path, where flowers, several apple trees, and a cherry blossom tree bursting with pink and white blossom offered a perfect backdrop for the picnic table laden with food. "Please sit." She gestured to the chairs. "It's such a beautiful summer I’m determined to eat most of my meals outdoors."
"I don’t blame you." Alessia smiled at the woman as she sat. "It's really a lovely space. Do you like gardening?"