Page 6 of Maxwell
“Hi.” Leaning off the mantle, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his faded denims. “Any problems?”
“No.” She stood where she was, watching him. She knew him and realized what he was doing. He was being aloof and distant, something he was very good at. “I told Dad I was spending the weekend with a friend going through a crisis.” She shrugged. “I hate lying.”
“You didn’t have to.” His hazel eyes were hooded. “You have a choice. Go public or leave.”
Her eyes smoldered. “Is that what you want?”
“You know what I want.” He rocked back on his heels. “I want you.”
“I want you. Why are you being such a prick?”
He felt the amusement vying with the annoyance. “That’s who I am. You know that.”
She walked in and put her case on a nearby sofa. He watched as she came toward him, the hands in his pockets curled into fists.
“That’s who you show to others.” She was standing in front of him, so close he could smell her exotic perfume and see the tiny mole next to her left nostril. He needed her so much he could barely stand it. He shuddered slightly when she placed her palms on his chest. The heat of her touch seared through his sweater.
“I’m different.”
“Is that so?” He wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer.
“Yes.” Sliding her hands down, she lifted the hem of his sweater and tugged. “I want to take it off.”
“Who’s stopping you?” His breathing was accelerating.
“Your hands- “
He pulled them out of his pockets and lifted them so that she could tug it over his head. He watched in amusement as she rose on her toes. She was so petite and he was over six foot two. He helped her further by taking off his t-shirt, leaving the wide expanse of chest with the scattering of dense dark hairs bare.
Alessia felt a frisson of desire and delight course through her body. It was always the same. Maxwell Callister was an impressive specimen. He was hardworking and had spent most of his time doing manual labor. His body was tanned, rippling with muscles and his strength was obvious.
“Do you need any further help?” He raised an eyebrow as she stood there staring at his chest.
“No.” Mentally shaking herself she unhooked the clasp of his jeans and slid the zipper down.
“Your boots.”
He toed them off and kicked them away. Standing still, he forced himself not to react as she peeled them over his narrow hips. Kicking the jeans out of the way, he sucked in a breath when she reached into his cotton boxers to curl her fist around the warm, thick length of him.
“What now?” He rasped.
“I get to have some fun.” She gave him an impish smile that made him want to ravish her.
“Then let the fun begin.” He felt the pang of disappointment when she removed her hand from his cock. She only did it so she could take off her clothes. The first time he’d seen her naked, he’d been like a schoolboy with his first major crush.
Alessia Vanderweld personified class and exquisite beauty. Her complexion was a flawless coffee and cream. Her breasts were small, the nipples wide and now puckered. She was small, with gentle, curving hips, and long, elegant legs.
His eyes narrowed as he watched her reached up to drag her fingers through the thick lustrous strands of her hair, the movement lifting her breasts and bringing his attention to the rigid nipples.
Stepping forward, she took his hand and dragged him to the blanket spread in front of the small hearth. He laid flat on his back with his hands crossed at the back of his head. His hazel eyes were slitted as he watched her tangle one leg with his. He could feel the tension, resentment and uncertainties melting away as her body heat warmed him.
He was a man responsible for thousands of employees. His corporate office was a towering glass and brick building in the middle of the uptown area. He had an assistant and was the CEO of one of the biggest security companies in the world.
He made million dollar deals every day and had been wheeling and dealing since he was twenty. He’d dragged himself up by the shoe strings and beaten the odds to be named one of the top twenty most successful and influential men in business.
Now, here he was, at the mercy of one woman who just came up to his chest.
“Are you going to continue doing that?” He was already hard and raring to go. He’d been gone for a week and the dreams of her had chased him every single night.