Page 54 of Maxwell
He settled back against the chair and turned a little to the left so he could respond to her.
"In the area of technology, as well as with anything else, the world is revolving, people along with it. Our R&D department, I can safely say is one of the best.
We have extremely talented people heading and working in the department and we’re determined to get ahead of the competition as well as the criminals." A smile crossed his sensuous lips and had her heart tripping up inside her chest.
"They never stop and neither will we. In that sort of thing, people get what they pay for. Security for you and your family should be of paramount importance."
"I agree with you completely." She checked her device again and Alessia, who had her eyes trained on him, saw the slight stiffening of his broad shoulders and held her breath. "Speaking of family, I’m curious about your relationship with the very lovely and talented actress Annie. What's the story there?"
Alessia wanted to turn the TV off, but it was like she was frozen in space and time as she waited for him to respond. He hesitated briefly and then with a charming smile, turned to the audience. "I suppose saying that's a personal matter wouldn’t matter?"
"Absolutely not!" Nadine turned her dazzling smile to the audience. "You make a beautiful couple and we want to know if this is heading into matrimony."
Alessia sank back against the cushions weakly.
"We’ll have to wait and see."
"You are a couple?"
"It would seem that way."
"Maxwell Callister, you’re a very cagey man." Nadine said with a shake of her head. "Now, back to the company." She listened as Nadine asked a couple of more questions and barely registered when they hugged, indicating the segment was over.
Turning the TV off, she leaned back against the chair and stared at the line of books on the shelves in front of her. The ringing of the telephone jarred her out of her misery and she contemplated not answering.
"You okay?"
"Of course." She swallowed the lump inside her throat. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I want you to be all right."
"I am." She forced gaiety in her tone. "He looks good on camera."
"And unhappy."
Her heart shuddered. "Why would you say that?"
"I can read people's face, darling. The fact he didn’t want to talk about his so-called relationship spoke volumes."
"He’s a very private person."
"He was deflecting. It was obvious."
"I don't care." She said wearily. "He’s moved on and so have I."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. Look, I have to consult with the housekeeper about the dinner menu. Talk to you later."
"I’m looking forward to seeing you at the gallery opening tomorrow."
"Oh." She closed her eyes briefly. "I’d completely forgotten about that."
"Please tell me you’re not cancelling."
"I made a commitment to be there, so I will be."