Page 45 of Maxwell
“Daddy has a touch of pneumonia and I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving him.”
He felt weary as if the stuffing had been pulled completely out of him. He’d been feeling it for a few days. Something had told him she wouldn’t be coming.
“If it wasn’t that, it’d be something else, wouldn’t it?”
“I just want you to understand- “
“I do. Absolutely. I’ll always be on the back burner. I get your old man isn’t feeling well, but this is never going to happen between us, is it?” He asked bitterly. “Have you even told him about us?”
There was a slight hesitation before she responded. “Not yet.”
“I see.” Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes briefly and struggled with the decision he was about to make.
“I need time- “
“Take it.” He told her quietly. His heart was breaking into tiny pieces but he realized he couldn’t do this anymore. “All the time you need. We’re done.”
This time the silence was longer and he almost changed his mind at the swift intake of breath.
“How can you be so callous? My dad isn’t well- “
“I understand that perfectly. I’m just not prepared to be your secret anymore. I want more, hell, I deserve more. If you’re not prepared to tell him right now we’re in a relationship, then it’s over.”
“You promised me- “
“What will it be?” He asked her coldly. “Will you tell him about us or is this goodbye?”
“He isn’t well- “
“Goodbye, Alessia. I wish you all the best.” Hanging up, he turned the phone off and dropped it on the desk. Grabbing his jacket, he went outside to take a walk and clear his head.
She stopped calling after the fourth time. He’d broken up with her and she couldn’t believe it. It felt like she was trapped in a nightmare and wasn’t able to wake up. The timing couldn’t be worse. Her Dad had gotten worse instead of better and Julian was talking about sending him to the hospital.
How could he not understand? She thought dismally. He wasn’t answering her calls. All she wanted to do was to explain that she couldn’t tell her Dad anything yet, not while he was in this state.
Did he think she didn’t want to be with him? Didn’t he realize the very thing she wanted to do was to be with him? How can he not feel how much she was yearning for him? How torn she was?
Pressing her lips together, she got up and went into the bathroom to wash her face with cold water.
The medication Julian had given him seemed to be working. She was going to have to put aside her personal problems and concentrate on her Dad. His needs came first right now. Her heartbreak would have to wait until she was in bed tonight.
He decided there was no point hanging around. She wasn’t coming, so it made sense for him to go home. The bitterness was threatening to choke him, especially when Guilia came to ask him if she should start on the meal.
“An emergency came up.” He told the woman with a forced smile.
“Oh my goodness! I hope it’s nothing too awful.”
“Her dad isn’t well.”
“I was hoping to meet her. Will you be staying?”
“I asked the pilot to get the plane ready. Can you pack my things?”
“It’s a pity you can’t stay.”