Page 40 of Maxwell
“I can’t bear it.”
“Welcome to the club.” He told her roughly. Removing his fingers, he covered his body with his, slipping into the familiar warmth and moistness and losing himself in the incredible sensations.
He was dressed and sipping coffee when she went downstairs. She’d rolled over and discovered he wasn’t next to her and his side of the bed was slightly cool, meaning he’d been up for some time.
She’d taken a quick shower, took the time to admire the emerald green bathroom, and brushed her hair into a simple chignon at the nape of her neck before descending the stairs. The scent of the coffee hit her as soon as she was at the top of the stairs.
“I have an emergency.” He told her abruptly as he went to pour her a cup. “I thought we’d get to spend the morning together, but that’s been shot to hell.”
Taking the cup from him, she scanned his face and noticed the lines of strain between his brows.
“What is it?”
“Nothing I can discuss with you.”
“I see.,” Trying hard not to show disappointment, she took a sip of coffee.
“Dammit.” He swore bitterly. Putting down his cup with a bang, he came around the counter to turn her to face him. “I have to go to Texas and New York to sort some problems out with the set up there.” He rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
“Some sort of leak, which appears to be a trend. Someone in my company is causing some damage and I have to figure out what’s going on. We’re usually tight when it comes to our security.. Now the PR team is suggesting I go on some talk show to try and do damage control.”
“That might not be such a bad thing.” She was happy that he’d shared it with her. “Get out in front of it.”
He stared at her, a smile touching his lips. “Precisely what the head of the PR said.”
“You really think it’s someone from the inside?”
He nodded. “Has to be. We use a code when setting up our security. As you know, it’s not just providing men and women as bodyguards, we do alarms and coding as well.”
“Your company came up with a system that was designed to spot an intruder from a mile away and detect suspicious activities.” She nodded. “Very innovative, and several competitors have been trying to get hold of the formula.”
“We’re tight on that as well. We have to keep a lid on things and only a few key people have access to that department.” He touched her chin gently.
“I might be gone for a week. Then I have to follow up that trip with one to Tuscany to check on the vineyard I invested in. That’s personal.” He eyed her. “You could fly there and we could spend a few days together.”
She wanted to, oh, how she wished she could say yes. She had a number of charity events lined up for the week he’d be gone. It was spring and the time for having luncheons and planning events. Her cup was full. Her dad’s seventy-fifth birthday was coming up in June and she was planning a lavish party.
“How would I-” She shook her head. “What would I say?”
Breathing deeply, he stepped back, his jaw hard. “We can’t keep having this discussion or argument. You’re a grown woman, not a child. I’m inviting you to spend time with me in a foreign country where we wouldn’t be recognized. We don’t go out on dates- “
“I’ll be there.” She said quietly.
“Yes. I’ll be there. I have some things to deal with, but just send me the details-“ She broke off as he hauled her into his arms and crushed her lips. She went weak, with both relief and desire, as she clung to him. His phone beeped insistently inside his sports jacket.
Ending the kiss with a curse, he pressed his forehead against hers, trying hard to slow down his racing heart and to bring his rampaging desire under control.
“That was my pilot. I’m supposed to be leaving.”
“Okay.” She closed her eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. “Please be safe.”
He gave her a whimsical smile. “Is that concern I hear from you, my love?”
“Yes. It is.”