Page 37 of Maxwell
“Tell her-“ He gritted through his teeth, his hands clenching into fists. “Tell her if she isn’t there when I get there, I’ll be waiting for her at her home. She knows me well enough to know that I’m not joking.” He turned to look at Michael. “Is that clear?”
“Now go and get her away from that son of a bitch before I cause a scene.”
Michael almost choked on his champagne. “You want me to cut in?”
“Did I stutter?”
“No. I- “
“If you don’t do it, I will.”
“Let me get right on it.”
Maxwell picked up his glass and downed the rest of the drink. He didn’t leave the table until Michael and done what he’d ordered.
“I’m just obeying orders.” Michael’s eyes glittered in amusement as they circled the dancefloor. “Your man is pretty riled up and I wasn’t about to face his wrath.” He shook his head at her. “You managed to get a rise out of him, darling.”
“I’m not going to his apartment.” She fumed. “He can’t think he can just order me around and expect me to do whatever he says. He can just go to hell.”
Michael stared at her in fascination. “Darling, that man really has you twisted up in knots. I’ve never seen or heard you behave this way before.”
Breathing deeply, she tried to get her rioting emotions under control. She felt bad about using Jason, who definitely had a crush on her. He’d been so delighted that she’d marched him onto the dance floor that he’d promptly proceeded to ask her out on a date.
“Oh Jason, I’m so sorry. You’re a sweet guy, but I don’t like you that way.”
“I hate him.” She whispered passionately. “He’s turned me into someone I don’t even recognize.”
“I have to tell you that’s a good thing.” His head lifted and he spotted the man under discussion, surrounded by several members of the elite. “I bet they’re hanging onto his every word.” There was a note of derision in his voice.
“They might hate the fact he came from trash or, as they delicately put it, from the wrong side of the tracks, but beneath it all, they envy and admire him. The man is brilliant.”
“He knows what they think of him.” Alessia felt her anger abating as she glanced over Michael’s shoulder at him. His head lifted suddenly as if she’d sent a mental message to him. His eyes wandered over her face before turning back to the man who was seeking his attention.
“He doesn’t care.”
“He’s my hero.” Michael murmured wistfully. “I keep wanting to thumb my nose up at my family and can’t find the nerve to do so.”
She gave him a concerned look. “Is it still that bad?”
He kissed her on the forehead as the song ended. “I can deal with it.” Sending a glance to their left, he nodded slightly. “You’re going to have to find something credible to tell Daddy dearest.”
“I haven’t said I was going to tell him”
He laughed easily and shook his head. “Of course, you are.”
Chapter 9
He was pacing his living room and looking at his screen every few minutes. Where the hell was she? If she wasn’t here in ten minutes, he was going to make good on his threat. He’d somehow managed to accept the commendations from the mayor, the governor and a senator before making his excuses and his escape.
He’d dropped Annie off at her place and was sure he’d broken several traffic rules to get here, expecting to see her waiting for him. The car was parked in the underground garage. He’d taken off the suit and tie that had been cutting off his circulation and was wearing sweats and a t-shirt.
He was about to grab his key when he noticed the vehicle turning into the driveway. Making sure it was her, he touched a button to give her access to the underground garage and the elevator that would take her straight up to his suite.
He had the entire place to himself. It’d originally been a townhouse, but when he bought it, he’d turned it into a home.