Page 35 of Maxwell
"You don’t have to stay."
"I know that." He gave her a mocking smile as he sat back down. “I don’t do anything I don’t want to do.”
Alessia stared at herself in the mirror as she searched for flaws. It’d been several days since she’d spoken to Maxwell and it’d taken its toll. He hadn’t called and she’d decided that she wasn’t going to call either. Perhaps they needed a break from each other.
She’d gone about her duties with a fixed smile on her face and, in the evenings, when she could manage, she had dinner with her Dad. He’d asked her about Mark again and she’d told him rather impatiently she wasn’t thinking about a relationship right now.
Taking a deep breath, she turned sideways. The emerald shimmer of the dress was shot through with thin gold streaks and was a Romano’s original. The slinky material was more daring than anything she’d ever worn before, but the occasion called for it. He was going to be there with a date, and he hadn’t spoken to her in days.
She had to look sensational. It was high at the throat and almost nonexistent at the back, showing acres of skin. It didn’t allow for any form of underwear, so she was naked beneath the thin material.
She knew her Dad was going to be shocked at the outfit, but she had a full-length cashmere jacket to cover up until she was at the hotel ballroom. Her hair had been brushed and styled in a loose fashion around her shoulders.
Her makeup was flawless. She’d gone to her usual salon to get her hair washed and conditioned, but had done her makeup herself. Her type of skin didn’t require much and she’d learned to apply it since she was a teenager. The nude lipstick caused her lips to shimmer and highlighted the fullness.
Dark brown eyes sparkled as she lifted her chin. Taking another deep breath, she went to get her jacket, the needle thin heels of her matching shoes giving her extra height. Shrugging on her jacket, she grabbed her beaded purse and left the room.
He was bored out of his mind and was chafing at the bow-tie around his neck. Myra had cancelled on him because of some engagement she’d been unable to avoid and he’d asked Annie at the last minute.
“It’s a good thing I’m not insecure.”
“The very reason I asked you. I hate going to these things solo. The women take it as an invitation to hit on me.”
“I’ll be your shield.” She’d told him with a smile.
The room was crowded and the champagne and finger food were unceasing. He smiled to himself and recalled days he’d had to make do with ramen noodles and stale bread. Now, he was sipping champagne and was definitely going to switch to something much stronger.
He was about to follow up on that when she walked in. It seemed as if the swell of conversation had just fallen away and quiet had taken over. It seemed like all eyes were on her and that wasn’t his imagination.
His eyes narrowed as he took in how short her dress was. What the hell! He felt his body tighten with anger as she turned to someone who’d called her. She was practically naked. How dare she come out looking like that!
"That's not a good idea." He’d been so absorbed in his anger and outrage that he didn’t notice Annie next to him until she slipped her hand through his arm. "Reporters are milling around looking for their next front page."
"Yeah." He dragged his gaze from her and angled his head to look at her. "Thanks." He said gruffly. “I should- “
“Get some food into you. The mayor and his lovely wife are heading this way. You need to play nice.”
“Something I’m very good at.” He turned and smiled at the couple who had just walked over.
He liked the man and some of his policies and approach to the problems facing the gangs in the downtown area were solid and showed some merits. Eagle Security contributed heavily to several projects including building a new community center and starting a project to get boys off the streets.
“Maxwell, it’s a proud moment.” The man beamed at him like a proud father as he gave his hand a shake. Milton Bloomingdale was from a wealthy family, but Maxwell had found the man to be simple and down to earth. His pretty and elegant wife, Camille was charming and personable.
“You’ve done so much for the city.” The woman clad in a stunning blue and white dress, clasped his hands warmly. “Milton and I are hoping you’d agree to speaking at the Spring charity concert in the park next week.”
She held up a well-manicured hand. “I know it’s short notice but we need your kind of story in order to motivate others who feel like it’s too difficult to make something of themselves.”
“I’ll have to check my schedule. I’m supposed to be going out of town next week.”
“Please, let us know. We’d love to have you.” She turned to smile at Annie. “And you, young lady…”
From across the room, Alessia was trying not to look at him.
“It’s not working.” Michael took her arm and steered her over to the buffet table. “He’s also trying not to notice you.”