Page 27 of Maxwell
"The new place?"
"And Maxwell was there."
He gaped at her. "He picked the restaurant you were having your luncheon?"
She nodded. "He was with Annie Grayson."
"The actress. Ah." Understanding dawned.
"He didn’t tell me he was having lunch with her."
"It might have been a spur of the moment thing."
"They looked like a couple."
"The woman just came back from shooting her latest film, in Mexico. She’s been there for the past two and a half months."
"He was away for a week. They might have been together."
He eyed her for a moment before biting into a delicious lemon pastry. "You got the jealousy virus."
She gave him an impatient look. "What does that even mean?"
"It means, my exquisite Alessia, that you’re in a relationship that is on the down low, as I like to put it, and it’s frustrating because you couldn’t simply go over and demand to know what the hell is going on. What did you do?"
"I left almost immediately. It helped I was about to leave anyway. She’s very beautiful and talented."
"That she is. They might have been discussing business. I understand she’s been getting some weird letters from an obsessed fan. He provides security for people and his company is the best.
Lots of men and women who were former specialists. His equipment is top of the line." He searched her face. "You could confirm your suspicions by calling him.”
“I’m not doing that."
"So, you choose to sit here and torture yourself as you wonder if they’re tearing up the sheets?."
She gave him a protesting look. "You’re not helping."
"How was the weekend?"
"Wonderful and then he waltzed into the restaurant with her in tow. I don't know what to do."
"Tell Daddy dearest about him and to hell with the secrecy."
"I can't. Not yet."
"You’re going to lose him." He predicted.
She felt the fear darting inside her. It was the same nagging feeling she had since the weekend and it didn’t help to hear it out loud.
"Why do you say that?"
With a sigh, Michael put down his glass and settled back against the plump cushions. "Maxwell Callister is what I would term as his own man. He’s attractive in a rough sort of way that, by the way, gives me the shivers." He smiled slightly at her expression. "I’m allowed to admire, darling.
Anyway, like I was saying, he’s a rule unto himself and rising from extreme poverty that way takes guts and incredible determination. The fact that he agreed to the secrecy shows that he really cares for you. A man like that isn’t going to stand for it for much longer." He gave her a level glance. "And you already knew that,"
"He said he’s giving me time." She plucked at the silk of her gown with restless fingers.
"I’m sure he meant it at the time." Picking up his drink, he took a sip and eyed her over the glass. "I don't understand why you can’t come clean."