Page 21 of Maxwell
“I have work piled up.” She was wedged between him and her car as they said their goodbyes. “Meetings. I’ve been away for a week and there are some things begging for my attention.” He cupped her face gently between his large callused hands. “And you have- “
“Some luncheons and a quick trip to New York. Just one day.” She had the unsettling feeling that he was slipping away. They’d been fighting over the weekend more often than before and it weighed on her.
“And you have that black tie function. I’ll be there.”
“Yeah.” He left the rest unsaid but it hung between them. They were going to have to stay away from each other. The press will be there in full as well as her old man. “I’m bringing a date.”
“I see. Michael will be accompanying me. Who is she?” She tried to be neutral, but failed.
“A friend.”
“What kind of friend?”
“Just a friend.” He sighed at the look on her face. “This isn’t easy for me.”
“You don’t have to bring a date.”
“Myra and I are just friends and she understands that I’m not interested in a relationship.”
“I’m sorry.” She leaned into him.
“What for?”
“For all of it. For everything. I’m proud of you.”
His heart stuttered. “Thanks. We have to get going.” Lifting his head, he scanned the sky. “It looks like rain. Give me a kiss.” He buried his mouth on hers and realized belatedly that it was a mistake.
The kiss took on wings and transported them into a whirlpool of flames that swamped them. His hands wandered down her ribs and down her waist, until he was gripping her butt.
Alessia wrapped her hands around his neck, her slender curves pressed against the middle of him. She could feel the evidence of his arousal and felt her heart picking up speed.
Reluctantly, he ended the kiss and moved her away from him, his hands shaking.
“Christ!” Dragging his fingers through his hair, he stared at her with narrowed eyes. “You look slutty.”
“I do?” With shaky hands, she patted her sweater in place as she leaned against the car while her knees buckled.
“It looks good on you.” He didn’t dare touch her again or it’d set them off and he really had to go. “I’ll drive behind you.”
With a nod and a longing look that had him swearing under his breath, she turned and yanked the door open, sliding in behind the wheel. She waited until he’d gotten into his All-Terrain, before pulling out of the dirt driveway. She kept him in her rearview mirror for a few miles until he called.
“I’m going left. Drive safe.”
“I love you.”
“Ditto.” He muttered before hanging up.
Taking a deep breath, she continued the rest of the journey and tried to quieten the feeling of despair in the pit of her stomach. They were going to be fine. She’d find a time and a way to tell her Dad about him. It was really not fair for him to dislike Maxwell without getting to know him first.
Yes, he could be difficult and she’d seen him cut someone dead by simply walking away. Underneath the toughness, there was the kernel of gentleness that she supposed she was one of the few people who ever got to see.
Her hands tightened on the wheel as she recalled what he’d said about bringing a date to the function on Saturday. She couldn’t bear the thought of him being with anyone else.
She knew he had a high sex drive and had been with a lot of women and she was trying to be okay with that.
He was experienced and she wasn’t. The first time he’d made love to her, she’d discovered how experienced he was. He’d introduced her to some things that had made her toes curl. The thought of him doing it to anyone else was making her crazy.