Page 2 of Maxwell
“Just not proud enough to introduce me to Daddy, right?” He’d asked with a twist to his sensuous lips. He was brutally frank and had a curt manner about him that was off-putting to most people she knew. He was tolerated because of his immense wealth and didn’t give a damn what anyone thought of him.
Until her. He’d fallen like a ton of bricks, and it pissed him off. He’d told her bluntly that she wasn’t his type. “You’re upper class, and I’m not, but it is what it is. I can’t be without you. I tried, and it isn’t happening.”
She blinked away the tears and resumed brushing her hair. He was away for a week in Texas, dealing with some security issues that had come up. He’d called her last night, and they argued again. She hated it when that happened between them, and the distance made it worse.
“I don’t have time for this.”
“You knew what you were getting into when we started.” She told him accusingly. “You were the one who pushed and pushed. I told you it wasn’t going to work.”
“You’re twenty-eight goddamned years old. When are you going to stand up to him?”
“You don’t understand.” She’d whispered.
“You’re right. I have to go.”
“Maxwell- “
“I can’t do this right now, Alessia. I’m in the middle of a crisis, and I need all my focus right now. I can’t deal with the distraction.”
“Is that what I am?” She’d asked him coldly.
“You know that’s not what I meant. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He’d hung up before she could respond.
She’d spent the night tossing and turning, which showed on her face. Damn him! She thought heatedly. She didn’t need this now. It was spring, which meant there were lots of things that needed her attention.
She wasn’t actively involved in the company; aside from board meetings, she didn’t have to go in. She was her father’s hostess and, right now, was planning a dinner party, which meant sorting through the menu and deciding what was best to serve their guests.
Tucking her thick, dark-brown hair at the nape of her neck, she secured it with pins. Picking up the foundation, she applied it liberally, paying particular attention to the bags beneath her eyes. Shaking off the misery, she rose to get dressed. She was slipping her pink and green jacket over the dress when her phone rang.
She picked it up and felt her heart flip when she read the name.
“I’m in a hurry.”
“I apologize.” His deep voice was soft and resigned. “I was a prick last night, and the last thing I want to do is to upset you. I didn’t get much sleep last night. Christ! I love you so much, Alessia.”
She felt like weeping. Feeling for the bed, she sank as her knees started to tremble. “I love you too.”
“That’s all that matters at this point. The rest will follow. What are you up to?”
“I have a breakfast meeting, and then I have to meet with the caterers to fine-tune the menu. I miss you.”
“I’ll be back on Friday, and I’m asking you to go away with me.”
“Max- “
“The cabin. Tell him you’re visiting a sick friend, anything, but I want two days with you. I don’t think I’m being unreasonable.”
“I was going to say I’m looking forward to being with you.”
He huffed out a breath. “Good.” He said gruffly. “I need to go, darling. I can’t wait to see you.”
Closing her eyes, she tried to steady herself. It was time to make her appearance downstairs, or her dad would wonder what was going on with her.
“Sweetie, I was about to send Janet up to see if you’re okay.” Joseph studied his daughter as she came into the elegant dining room.