Page 17 of Maxwell
"I went further than I expected." Reaching behind him, he kicked the door shut and secured the lock. "You were worried?"
"What do you think?"
"You pissed me off."
He didn’t want to touch her.
"I didn’t mean to." She started to reach out to him and he stepped back and around her.
"Let's eat, shall we?"
She followed him into the kitchen and went to get the wine from the cooler.
"Am I allowed to say anything?"
"Of course." He inclined his head in a polite manner that had her gritting her teeth.
"I reacted badly." She handed him the plate of food. "It was a knee-jerk reaction and I was jealous."
He gave her a skeptical look.
"It's true. You lived with her."
"Out of necessity."
"You lived with her for months. You must have felt something for her."
"That's it?"
"Yes. She was twice my age with sagging tits and pock-marked skin. I pictured a much nicer-looking person when I screwed her." He shrugged. "It sounds terrible, but that’s what I did. I was twenty years old and I had a vision and was on a mission. I was never going to allow anything or anyone to stop me."
"You come from a very tidy and pretty world, darling,” This time the endearment was cold and disdainful. “I had to claw and fight to survive. If that’s not something you can deal with, then I suggest you don’t look back when you leave here tomorrow.
I’ve screwed more than my fair share of women. Some I enjoyed, a few were just duty, something I had to do." He picked up his wineglass and eyed her, face expressionless.
“You’re trying to push me away."
"Am I?" A smile played around his sensuous lips. "I suppose that’s what I should be doing. You’re way out of my league."
"I’m not going anywhere." She lifted her chin and he had to fight the smile from broadening. She looked like she was ready to don an armor and fight a battle.
“Good. I just want you to be sure.”
“Was that your intention? Tell me that story so that I could change my mind?”
He inclined his head. “Perhaps. I’m just making you see reason, see that this isn’t some pretty fairytale. I did things, some I’m not proud of, but it had to be done.
I’m crude and rough, I now wear an expensive suit, but people still see the raggedy-ass boy living in his car. I don't give a damn what people think of me, never did until I met you." His eyes darkened at that. " I don’t want you to be ashamed of me-"
"I’m not!"
His eyebrows lifted. "Sure about that?"