Page 13 of Maxwell
"I hated that I loved it."
"You told me off. Told me that if I touched you again, I’d regret it." His hand snaked out to take hers. "What were you going to do, little one? Call the police?"
"I fight my own battles." She told him loftily. "I was going to scratch your eyes out."
He chuckled. "Then I called you and you picked up. I couldn't get you out of my mind." His eyes smoldered as he stared at her lips. "I wanted to taste the forbidden fruit to try and get you out of my system. Why did you meet me?"
"I couldn’t get you out of my mind either," she told him huskily, her fingers curling into his. "I couldn’t sleep."
"Same here." Opening her hand, he traced the pattern in her palm. They both jolted when the phone rang.
"It’s your phone." He told her briefly.
Taking a deep breath, she answered, a smile tugging at her lips. "Hi, Daddy."
He felt his anger rising and his lust and appetite melting away. Shoving his chair back, he picked up his half-finished meal and took it over to the bin. Putting the plates in the sink, he poured some more coffee and leaned against the counter, his eyes on her. She was smiling, eyes glowing and he felt the unreasonable resentment.
"It was Daddy. He wanted to tell me about the tournament he participated in yesterday."
"I suppose he couldn’t wait for you to get back before regaling you."
She gave him a strange look as she finished her meal.
"I suppose not. Want me to do the dishes?"
"Leave them." He told her brusquely.
"What is it?"
"What’s what?"
"Why are you so upset? Was it because he called?"
"Don't be ridiculous!" He snapped.
"I’m being ridiculous?"
"I need some air."
"I’ll be back shortly." Slamming his cup on the counter, he strode out of the room.
Alessia stared after him with a frown on her brow and heaviness inside her heart. She knew him, or was starting to. Their relationship, everything about them, was a powder keg always ready to blow.
He hated the fact that her dad was standing in their way and it wasn’t fair, because her father knew nothing about them. If he did, what would be his reaction? The voice sounded inside her head.
He wouldn’t approve. She’d tried to tell him about Maxwell several times, but something he’d said had stayed with her.
They’d been looking at the photo of him wearing dark blue dress pants and a cotton shirt with the top two buttons opened at the throat. His expression had been stern, his lips unsmiling.
"I see that upstart has managed to get his picture taken again."
"He’s made tremendous strides in business." She had remarked.
"And cut some corners doing so."
"Daddy, how can you say that?"