Page 58 of The Naughty List
“That’s good,” Ebony says, when she sees the glint of a smile on my face. “I thought you might be stalking out Wrenshaw from how you were acting.”
“I’m not that bad!”
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t so sure.” She fake wipes her forehead with aphew,and I see the genuine care in her eyes. “Go on,” she says. “Check out the review. The notification must be waiting there.”
It is. I can see the icon at the top of my phone screen.
“Do it!” she says. “I’m as intrigued as you are.”
“I doubt that, somehow.”
“Ok, well, nearly as intrigued.” She waves her hands at me. “Jeez, Ella, just open the review, will you? I want to see what he’s had to say!”
“Fine, alright.”
I still have an edge of the impudent schoolgirl Holly about me. That alone makes me smile as I finally click to read my feedback. My nerves are jangling as bad as they were in the cab yesterday. Damn, that feels so long ago.
Five stars.
Holly the schoolgirl was a pure treasure. Her acting was impeccable. Her roleplay was divine, and as for her bedroom skills – I’d be very surprised if anyone would be able to surpass this experience. I’ve enjoyed a lot of entertainers over the years, both naughty boys, and naughty girls, but this was a new dynamic. She almost blew me out of my role, and that speaks volumes in itself. I’m a very, very determined actor.
Her ass is perfect for a spanking, and her sweet voice is beautiful. She looks wonderful in pigtails, but she’d look wonderful in anything from lacy lingerie to a clown outfit, so take your pick.
Holly was the best entertainer I’ve ever shared the night with.
I don’t say that lightly, so take heed.
Wow. Just wow. And oh my God. Daddy likes naughty boys, too. Fuck, that’s hot. Insanely hot. Urgh. That’s only made the pang of wanting him even worse.
I read the review out to Ebony, and she cheers for me.
“Five stars! Nailed it again! Go you!”
I’m glowing happy, but reading his words only makes the puppy dog lurch come back stronger. Maybe I will have to look up thismorning after syndrome.
“How do you suggest I get over him?” I ask Ebony.
“It’ll only take a few days. The trick is, stay busy, and remind yourself that he isn’t real. He’s a character, just like you were. It’s easy to make characters into fantasy heroes when you’ve had a good night with them.”
“Great timing, isn’t it?” I roll my eyes. “The one time I need to keep busy is the one where I’ve just quit my day job.”
“Tempted to go ask for your job back? You could beg and plead to be a good girl.”
I laugh at that. “NO!”
“Exactly, so find some hobbies. Some actual hobbies, and I don’t mean following Connor around like a groupie, cheering him on from the side of the stage.”
Jesus. I haven’t thought about Connor in ages. It’s like he’s been wiped from my head, erased into nothingness. I look over and his rucksack is still there, but I haven’t even registered it. I haven’t been giving a toss about him and Carly. I genuinely couldn’t give a shit about him anymore.
He was the onlyhobbyI really had.
How pathetic really. My life was all about him. Just WTF, seriously?
“Right, I’ll get some hobbies,” I say to Eb. “I might take up yoga. Pilates. Crochet.” I laugh. “Drama classes. Sounds like with training, I could win an OSCAR… Will you walk down the red carpet with me?”
That sets us off in giggles, and I love it when that happens. We’re laughing until she’s holding her sides, and I roll over on the bed, pretty sure I’m snot-laughing into my pillow.
The comedown from that is special on its own.