Page 31 of The Naughty List
Chapter Nine
“You did DP last night, right?”Ebony asks me on video chat. “Well done you! I saw it in the chat thread.”
“Yeah, I did. It was hot as hell.”
“Fake hot, or real hot?”
I think back to Dean and Ryan, both pounding me at once. I remember the sensation of Dean gripping me tight and Ryan’s weight on the both of us, using me like a doll, and I grin at Ebony.
“Real hot. The guys were great.”
“I’ve heard they’re a right pair of dickheads.”
“They’re definitely dickheads when they’re making a spectacle of themselves like loaded playboys, but they’re hot in bed.” I pause. “They were kind of cute, actually.”
“Guess you’ll be seeing them again?”
I sure hope so for the chance of another 3.2k in my account.
After paying for my flights, my bank balance isn’t too healthy, and I’ll need to be careful with it. I’ll have a pause in action coming up in a few days’ time as it is. Damn monthlies. I’ve considered skipping my pill break, just to keep them at bay.
I tell Ebony so, and she laughs.
“Really? You think you’ll be out of action because you’re on? Haven’t you seen the option to click for your profile?”
No. I haven’t. I tip my head to the side.
“What option?”
“There’s a box you click on your dashboard. It highlights you have your period on your profile screen. Some guys go crazy for that. Your calendar will be rammed, if you’re up for it.”
It doesn’t take me too long to consider – yeah, I guess I’m up for it.
I call up my entertainer login in another window, keeping Ebony on call, and she guides me to the option. I click without so much as blinking. The more money for Christmas the better. A red icon and date listing shows up on my profile almost immediately.
“There are plenty of filters the clients can use,” she tells me. “Period play is on the list. You’ll show up on it now. AND it pays well.”
I really hope so.
I’ve been politely declining a lot of the regular requests that have been hitting my inbox, looking out for some of the filthier, better-paid ones, but I haven’t had any through yet. Nothing serious, anyway. Ebony assures me it’s because I’m new and people with the highest reviews come out at the top of the search lists. A day or two without anything high value means nothing, she says, but I’m still clinging so hard to my new lifestyle that I’m nervous. I’m not getting the visibility boost of anewbieanymore, after three sessions and reviews, so I don’t have the advantage of that. I’ve been thinking of taking the average stuff to keep the cash coming in, but a decent fee for period play would be way more up my street. I’m becoming more of Holly the filthy slut every day.
“I give it twenty minutes before you get a proposal,” Ebony says, much more confident than me.
“Do you do it?” I ask her.
“Period play? Sometimes. Depends how much I’ve got on mywant it nowlist. I’m terrible for shoes. I must have nearly a hundred pairs. And it’s hard, running the house. Costs an absolute fortune. Stephen’s not on a massive salary, but he loves his job too much to quit, so.”
It occurs to me then that I still know very little about her. I see her lovely cream living room in the background, and sometimes she rests her laptop on her thighs while sipping champagne, clearly making a very healthy amount of cash at her entertainer role. Her profile is quite a dirty one, but she’s not a hardcorer. Not by any stretch.
“What’s the dirtiest thing you’ve done?” I ask her.
“Depends on what you call dirty. I’ve done fetish a fair bit, but that’s a bit different.”
“Fetish? That’s different from dirty?”
“Yeah. I’d say so. Or it can be. I like the odd proposals, like my guy who likes weird dress up sessions. There’s another guy I like who’s got this crazy medical room and treats you like a patient. Hardly a real-life doctor, though. He is fucked up, but it’s cool.”
“What does he do?”