Page 23 of The Naughty List
“He’s always seeking out the fresh prospects, then?”
“Yeah. Quite the opposite of some of the regulars. One entertainer has been seeing the same client every week for seven years straight. She must know him better by now than a member of her family. It’s incredible really.”
I try to imagine that. “Don’t they want more?”
She shrugs. “I don’t think so. She likes being an entertainer, and he keeps on paying. It works well for them. I’m sure you’ll end up with regulars of your own.” She pauses. “That’s if you stay being an entertainer, of course. Think it’s a phase for you, or are you in for the long haul?”
“Untilthe long-haul flight, at least.” I lean back against my pillows, the laptop on my thighs. “I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.”
“Entertainers come and go. Some stay long term. Some leave quick. Some come back and forth as relationships start and finish.” She grins at me. “I dunno, though. I have a feeling you’ll be a long-termer.”
“Call it intuition. You may get hooked on some regulars for starters.”
I wonder who the hell they’d be. Not User 829 from the sounds of it. I won’t get the option.
“Who knows?” I say. “Maybe it’ll be me getting specifically coloured nail extensions at some point.”
She giggles. “Or purple dungarees.”
“They’d have to be goth ones.”
“Halloween print?”
“Something like that.”
I love the easiness of our conversation. I know she must be a fantastic entertainer. Her energy is amazing through video call, like we’re already lifelong friends. She must give that impression to her clients, as well as being a kinky bitch who plays out their fantasies.
“I checked out your new profile by the way,” she tells me with a wink. “Sorry, I’m nosey, but I couldn’t help myself. You’ve ticked one hell of a lot of options.”
“Hardly a hardcorer. Double anal fisting? Just, wow.”
“You might be a hardcorer someday. If you’re ticking off that many options already, you might work your way up the ladder.”
“Or down into the depths of pure, utter filth.”
“The hardcorers love it there. You’ll meet them when you get into the chatroom. Has Orla sent you the link yet?”
I check my notifications in another window, and sure enough, there’s a link waiting for me. “Yeah, she has.”
“Fab! Then get on in there.” She looks down at the corner of her screen for the time. “Shit. I have to go. I’ve got to get myself into latex.”
“Have fun in green scrunchies.”
“I will. He’s awesome at eating pussy.”
I look at the link to the chatroom when she’s gone. I wonder if I’m ready to head in right now, still exhausted from last night’s pounding and my lack of sleep, but I can’t resist. I click on it, and it opens up a new tab with aset up userscreen.HollyI type in, but there is already a member called that.HollyellaI use, and it works. I choose a password and I’m in.
Jeez, there are more members in there that I’d have imagined. There are over fifty entertainers online. Group chat is flowing and there are so many threads it’s insane. From types of fetishes, to people asking questions about clients, and another set I hadn’t thought of.Requests for associates.I click on that, and it’s where entertainers are sharing highlights of their proposals with requests attached.Two more entertainers, needed. One guy, one girl.Another post.Who’s up for a threesome tomorrow night? Needs to be blonde. £1300 up for grabs.
I hadn’t even considered that kind of thing.
Of course, the obvious search is eating away at me. I find the search option at the side of the threads and type inUser 829.Orla wasn’t lying. There are a lot of conversations about him.
Fucking hell. He has a monster!
Sure does, and he knows how to use it. Holy shit! Why does he only go for the newbies?! Urgh. Fuck, my poor ass.