Page 5 of Dubious (Darkly Ever After)
Alaric snickered. “Been told I’m a prick by my mother my whole life, Ella. Your paltry attempt at name-calling isn’t gonna do much.”
I didn’t understand why, but his admission was like acid thrown in my face. The sheer horror of his mother demeaning him hurt me more than anything he could have called me. A mother’s love was supposed to be pure and unconditional. Words from a mother should fuel you and help you flourish, not cut you down like an annoying weed in her garden.
I smiled. “No, Alaric. That’s my safe word. Prick.”
Alaric blinked. “I’m giving you a head start, Princess. Gonna count to ten, and you’ll run.” I opened my mouth to speak, but Alaric placed a finger on my lips. “Princess, all three of us have our little proclivities. Asher likes leashes. River likes pain. And me?” He leaned in close. “I like to chase. So start running.”
I saw Asher and River from my peripheral vision.I was a deer caught in the headlights, frozen in place, unable to think or move.
“One. Two,” Alaric counted. “This won’t be fun or challenging if you stand there, Ella.” His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. “Run.”
The message finally reached my feet, and I dashed toward the forest surrounding the house. Alaric raised his voice, counting slowly, giving me the fuel to quicken my steps.
The trees beckoned me like old friends welcoming me home. I’d spent many days running beneath their shelter and climbing their sturdy limbs in my youth. I placed my foot on the bark and hoisted myself onto a hanging branch. I now had a bird’s eye view of the three men circling below like a pack of wolves. Alaric, the alpha, with River and Asher flanking him. They were a terrifying sight to anyone who gazed upon them.
River surveyed the surrounding trees.“She can’t have gone far. You only gave her a count of ten.”
I was confident I’d bested them, but then I noticed Alaric had disappeared. I scanned the area, but he was nowhere in sight. I squeaked as strong arms enveloped me like a vise.
“Miss me?” Alaric’s deep voice attacked the shell of my ear.
“How did you know I was up here?” I asked breathlessly.
“You had ten seconds, Ella. Didn’t give you time to get far. I must admit, I’m impressed by your climbing skills. Now you’ve had your fun, it’s time for me to have mine.”
Alaric moved in to capture my lips, but I ducked under his arm and scampered down the tree, laughing as I ran deeper into the forest.
I didn’t make it far before Asher wrapped his giant arms around me and pushed me to the ground.“Where are you running off to, Pup?”
River smirked. “Well, well, well. Looks like the rabbit has been caught by the big bad wolves.”
“What’s the game plan?” I ask as I plop down on the wingback armchair that likely cost a pretty penny. It’s one of those fancy French chairs, the epitome of luxury.
Alaric’s been acting fucking weird as hell for the past few days. He went for a drive with Ella, and the next day, he was off. I can’t help thinking that everything is about to go to hell in a handbasket.
“Don’t get too comfortable. You know what Celeste is like. We won’t be here for long,” Alaric says as he pours a glass of whiskey. He tips the glass back and downs the amber liquid in one gulp.
Asher pulls out a joint and lights it up, leaning back on the bed and taking multiple puffs. “She isn’t going anywhere until she finishes the job. And as long as little sister isn’t in her grasp, she’s the enemy.”
Asher passes me the joint, and I take a hit. “Celeste didn’t like the little date you planned.”
“It’s not like you helped the situation by making it a family affair,” Alaric snips.
I shrug, forming O’s with the smoke. “No way I’m not getting a taste of those goods again.”
“That shit with her can’t happen again,” Alaric states. “One and done.”
Motherfucker can’t be serious. It was the first time I’ve seen him shut down all the bullshit in his head and let go. Ella did in one night what Asher and I have been desperate to achieve for ten years.
Needing something to take the edge off thinking about Ella naked and spread before me, I beckon Asher with my fingers. He falls to his knees and crawls without being told. Asher makes quick work of my belt and unbuttons my pants, pulling down the zipper and unleashing my semi-hard cock. The fucker is baffling, but he’s the best cock sucker I’ve ever met. “I call bullshit. There’s no way you’re gonna walk away from her.”
“Never said we were walking away. Just that we can’t have her more mixed up in this shit than she already is.” Alaric slams his glass down and turns his gaze toward Asher and me.
He makes eye contact with me before lowering his gaze and taking a few predatory steps to stand in front of us. I think he’s about to unzip his pants, but he lifts an eyebrow.