Page 43 of Monster's Past
“Thank you.”
She steps back. “You should wake now.”
I nod and close my eyes, unsure how I know that’s what I need to do, but it feels right given the circumstances.
I take a deep breath and open them again, already knowing from the warm arms around me that I’m back in the Charms and Potions classroom.
“Hey,” Cethin says softly.
“No screaming this time?”
I shake my head. “I met my mother.”
Surprise flits over his face. “That sounds heavy.”
“I guess. It’s hard to explain. I came to terms with my adoption a long time ago, but it still feels like I got closure, kind of? I mean, I don’t know anything about her, or why she gave me up, but I guess it’s nice to know that she cares?”
He nods and runs his hand up my arm in a comforting gesture. “What about the rest of it?”
“They did something that they said would give me access and understanding about my magic. My head hurts a little.” I rub my temple.
“I’m not surprised. We should get you back to the dorm. A good night’s sleep should help, especially if you don’t have to worry about nightmares.”
“Hopefully.” I sigh. “I wish there was a bed for us both though.”
“And what would happen if there was?”
“Well...probably sleep, because I’m exhausted, but then I can think of a few other things. Please tell me you know of one?” After everything, I want nothing more than to curl up in his arms.
“Unfortunately not.”
“Eurgh. I guess that’ll be a reason for you to come visit during the holidays, then?” I look up at him, hoping he’ll say yes. And hoping my parents won’t be weird about us sharing a bed, but I don’t think they will be, especially when I explain the entire situation.
“Do you really think I’d be able to spend weeks apart from you?” He brushes hair out of my face.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
He leans in and presses his lips against mine. I sink into the kiss, feeling like everything is finally falling into place.
The classroom is alreadyfull of chatter by the time I arrive, but Anja isn’t here yet. I push aside my worries that she’s not going to show up and take a seat. She seemed fully into sealing the mating bond between us last night, but I still worry that there might be regret this morning.
It’s strange to think that the two of us shared something life-changing last night, and this morning, we’ve just got to go through the motions of normal life. Though I suppose there are two things that have changed now Anja knows for sure what she is.
I check my phone behind my bag, but don’t have a message from her yet. I try not to let that bother me. This is the first class of the day and it doesn’t mean anything that she’s not here. Or that I couldn’t see her in the dining hall. There’s got to be a perfectly good reason for that.
The door opens and I look up, locking eyes with the gorgeous banshee making her way inside.
Her whole face lights up as she spots me and she hurries over, glancing towards the front to make sure Professor Wainwright isn’t paying any attention before leaning in and kissing my cheek.
Warmth fills me at the gesture, and I’m reassured that I haven’t scared her off. I just wish we could be having our first morning-after conversation somewhere a little more private. Preferably somewhere with a bed.
“Morning,” she says brightly, pulling her chair a little bit closer to mine and starting to unpack everything.