Page 28 of Winterberry Christmas Magic
That would break my heart if it were true, but I couldn’t imagine him doing that. I headed to the lodge and snuck in the back door so no one would see me. I showered and changed, then went back outside and sat on the swing looking up at the stars.
I saw a vehicle pulling up the driveway. They could see me as the vehicle approached. When the door opened, Bennett, Phil, and Mark got out. It was true. He had gone into town with the guys. Couldn’t blame him for that. When they got to the deck, Bennett and Phil greeted me but went right inside. Mark didn’t.
“Sorry I was gone so long.”
“That’s okay. Family time is important.”
In a low voice he said, “We actually were talking to the recruiter. Just finalizing a few things.”
“So you told your family?” I said, surprised.
“No. My uncle Bennett happens to be friends with the recruiter, which I didn’t know beforehand. Last night they cornered me and let me know that they knew. “
“Well, they didn’t seem upset, so I guess that’s a good thing. Everything is fine,” I said.
“No one else knows. I promised not to say anything until we got home. But they know that you know,” he stated.
“Oh.” I could only imagine what they thought about that. Me knowing before them. Eeek. So much for them liking me.
“Yeah. They were very impressed with how you handled the news.”
What had he expected me to do? Cry and beg him not to join? That wasn’t right. You don’t do that to someone you love.
“Well, I’m glad they know. But I will continue to keep your secret until you tell me otherwise,” I said.
“Never doubted that. Hey, do you want to take a walk?” he asked.
“Sure.” I had been up on my feet all day at the barn, but I’d walk miles if he asked me to. “Where are we going?”
“Just someplace a little quieter. All that singing is killing me,” he chuckled.
“Yeah. Hendersons really can’t sing, can they?” I teased.
“Nope. Well except Uncle Bennett and Aunt Zoey.”
He took my hand, and we walked down a path towards the slopes. “I have the keys to the lift if you want to go up.” I offered.
“Sounds good, but I saw a place from the lift that I wanted to check out in person. I think it’s over here.”
I knew there was nothing around here to see. But when we turned the corner, there was a table set up with a red tablecloth, and gold candles lit in the center. “What’s all this?” I asked.
“I believe it’s called dinner for two,” he smiled.
“How did you do this if you weren’t even here?” I questioned as he held the chair for me to sit.
“I am very resourceful.”
“I guess you are.” Funny. This was my family's lodge, and I was kept out of the loop.Nice move, Mark. I better keep an eye on you.
He said, “I’d have requested a bottle of wine, but you’re only twenty, so instead, I have our signature drink.”
Opening up the basket that was on the ground by his chair he pulled out a thermos.
“Hot chocolate. Thanks.” Then two Hershey’s bars, and two sugar cookies. “I am beginning to see a pattern here. Your Sweet tooth is acting up.”
“Close. But I was going for something else. That the best things come in pairs. Like us,” he said.
I smiled and said, “I like it when you say that.”