Page 26 of Winterberry Christmas Magic
“No, I haven’t, but I plan on doing so the first of the year.”
He nodded and said, “Just remember, you’re not alone. You have us.”
“I know. Thanks.”
Dad said, “Back to Adilyn. Does she know about the Corps?”
I nodded. “I told her tonight.”
“What did she say?” he asked.
“That she was proud of me for being brave enough to follow my dreams. And that she’d be here waiting for me,” I said.
“She’s the same age your mother was when I told her I joined. Not easy. Be prepared for some rough times. But if she loves you and you love her, it can work. Just don’t take her for granted. When you join the Marines, it’s not just you that goes through it. It’s your family too. Remember that,” he said.
I thought back on my early years and understood what he meant. Holidays and birthdays without my dad. But my mom was the rock at home making sure we all knew how much dad loved us and why he wasn’t there.
“I won’t forget, Dad. You have shown me what it takes to be a man. I hope I can make you proud,” I said.
He hugged me and said, “You always have.”
Bennett smiled and said, “Semper-fi.”
For some odd reason, I felt as though they no longer looked at me as one of the kids and now a man.
We all headed up to our rooms, but I knew tonight I wouldn’t sleep. I had so much to think about, but Adilyn was at the top of my list.
I didn’t even remember getting into my bed or leaving the barn. But I had been so tired and Mark, the perfect gentleman, made sure I got home safe and sound.
He knew I had the day off, well most of it at least. I still had to help my mother with the food preparation, but that was nothing compared to what I’d been doing. So, when I found the note that he slid under my bedroom door saying he’d see me later in the afternoon, I couldn’t help but be disappointed. This was our one chance for ‘us’ time. Tomorrow was Christmas and he’d be spending it with his family. Then the next day, he’d be gone.
“Adilyn, be careful. You almost spilled the juice all over the floor. What's wrong?” she asked.
“I don’t know. Guess I’m sad that the week is almost over,” I said.
“I’d have thought you’d be thrilled,” she replied.
“I kind of like having them here.”
Mom laughed. “You always said that you wish you were part of a large family, but never thought you meant that large. Sorry, all I had to give you was a brother.”
“He’s plenty. Trust me.” I loved Billy. No one could ask for a better brother. But it wasn’t the larger family I needed. I was just going to miss the Hendersons. Well…one Henderson in particular.
“Well, if you’re going to make a mess of my kitchen you might as well go and spend the day with Mark now,” she said.
I sighed. “He is busy.”
“Ah. Now I understand. You’re wondering what he’s doing instead of being with you?” she asked.
“Do you know what he’s doing?” I asked.
“I just know that he went into town with some of the other men.”
That was more than me. “Good. I’m glad he’s getting out. He’s been here helping me so much that I was worried he wasn’t having any fun.”