Page 22 of Winterberry Christmas Magic
“Your parents seemed to enjoy their ride,” she said.
“I’m glad. But I wish it hadn’t been so late. You must be exhausted,” I said, looking at her eyes that fluttered as though threatening to close.
She took another sip, then leaned her head on my shoulder. “I am, but it was a good day. How was yours? Did Charisa master skiing?”
“She mastered falling without getting hurt. But skiing is definitely not her thing. I spent hours on the slope with her. She really tried, but it’s not for her,” I said.
“Oh, poor her. I know she wanted to be able to do it. Did her brothers give her a hard time?” she asked.
I shook my head. “Actually, they were cheering her on with each small victory she had. At the end of it all, they told her how proud they were of her. That she never gave up even when it was hard.”
“Wow. Sounds like they had a special bonding moment up there. Wish I could’ve seen it.”
“I heard you had your hands full all day too.”
“Yeah. The little ones wanted to bake more cookies. Gingerbread to be exact. It is funny how they want each cookie to be perfect. I tried explaining to them that they will taste the same even if they are not beautiful.”
I laughed. “I can imagine how that went. Hendersons strive for perfection.”
“It was worse when we moved on and made gingerbread houses for the parents as Christmas presents. What was I thinking taking on that project all alone?” she sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I’d have come back and helped you.”
She sat up and said, “That’s what I didn’t want to happen. This is your family time. You needed to be with them and they needed you out there.”
Adilyn was right. There were too many places to be and only one of me. “Did Lindsay make one for my parents too?”
“She did. And she was a great help. After we were all finished, Lindsay, Pearl, and Gwendolyn stayed and helped me clean everything up. It was unexpected but appreciated.”
Thanks, Lindsay, for watching out for Adilyn when I couldn’t.
“I’m sure all the parents are going to be thrilled with their gifts.” No one expected anything like that, and I was sure they would appreciate all she’d done to make it happen.
“I hope so. I let them each put their own twist into personalizing them. But they all have the same theme. Lots of candy.”
“Well, now I wish I was getting one. I have a major sweet tooth if you haven’t figured that out yet,” I said.
“Noticed that on our first date. Well, guess it wasn’t a date, but the first time we went out. We each ordered a dessert, but you finished yours first and then helped me finish mine,” she reminded me.
“I was being thoughtful. Didn’t want it to go to waste,” I lied.
“Funny. I had no plans onnotfinishing mine. Just like that brownie last night. Someone snagged my last bite.”
“Guilty. I have no idea why I do that. It’s not like I eat off anyone else's plate. Just you,” I replied. “Guess you’re special. But I’ll try not to do it again.”
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a Hershey’s bar. “Really? Because I only have one candy bar.” The smirk on her face said she was enjoying teasing me. I watched every bite. “Are you sure you don’t want some?”
“Oh, I’ll have mine later.”
She shrugged and popped the last piece in her mouth. “That was delicious,” she said, licking her lips.
“I think I’ll have mine now.”
“I told you I only brought one,” she replied.
“I know.” Pulling her close to me, I claimed her lips. My tongue traced her lips and all I could taste was the sweet milk chocolate. I moaned and said, “Yes. Delicious.”
Adilyn wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer. “Maybe you need another taste.”