Page 2 of Winterberry Christmas Magic
“He sounded it. And Tyler won’t be there either,” she said.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Shaun said that it would be too difficult for Tyler to be away from home that long. So, he’s staying with Morgan’s parents, Loras and Elizabeth for the holidays.”
Tyler's autism affected him in ways that I hadn’t understood in the beginning. Now I did. He might be a couple of years older than me, but he still functioned as a three- or four-year-old. And one thing he needed most in his life was routine.
“I’m surprised that Uncle Shaun and Aunt Morgan are still coming,” I said.
“They won’t be there for the entire week, but I guess they felt like the rest of them. That being together as a family was important. Even if it was only for a short time.”
“I knew it was going to be impossible to get everyone there for a week,” I said. My mom had tried to get them together for one day on Thanksgiving and hadn’t been able to pull it off. I knew that the only reason I was successful was because my younger cousins were looking forward to skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobiling. The parents were calling it a reunion, but my cousins were calling it a vacation.
“You did better than I was ever able to do. And Winterberry Lodge sounds amazing. You never said how you found it,” she prodded.
“Heard about it from a fellow student last semester. When I mentioned it to Nicholas, he said that he had also heard about the place,” I explained. “All the cousins started talking about going on a trip there. With some of them still minors, I thought we might as well try to make it a reunion.” It wasn’t quite that simple, and Mom had to know that.
Christopher nodded. “Skiing is awesome!!!. Can’t wait. I already told Nicholas that I’m going to show him how it’s really done.”
Mom gave Christoper a warning look. “Leave your competitiveness at home. This is afamilyvacation. The last thing we need is one of you boys getting hurt doing something dangerous trying to outdo one another.”
I stopped packing and looked up at her. “Mom, we’re not boys any longer.”
She shook her head. “No, you’re not. But one thing I have learned over the years is that the Henderson competitiveness runs deep in your veins, just like your cousins. Not everything has to be about winning. You can just enjoy spending time together.”
Christopher laughed. “Sure. I’ll enjoy seeing who makes it down the slope first.”
Mom rolled her eyes. “I bet Brice and Lena are giving Nicholas and Johnny that same warning.”
“And probably having just as much success,” Dad said entering the room. “Rhonda, why don’t you stop worrying about the trip? It’s going to be fine. The worst thing that could happen is one of the boys ends up in a cast. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
Her mouth gaped open, and I was sure Dad regretted saying that. But she didn’t hop on that like I expected. “Phil, I’m not worried,” she tried to lie to him.
He kissed her on the forehead and said, “Good. Then leave them to finish packing. Maybe you should go and check on Robert and Lindsay’s progress so we can get going.”
Mom nodded. “I think Lindsay has packed and unpacked ten times already. You’d think she was going on a date instead of a reunion.”
I almost choked at that thought.
“Mom, it is just going to be family there.”And the people who run the place.
“You’re right. I’ll go and move her along,” she said and left the room.
Dad turned to Christopher and added, “I want you guys to enjoy this vacation. Just whatever crazy stuff you pull, don’t do it in front of your mother.”
We nodded and he smiled before leaving us alone. I stuffed the last of my clothes in the suitcase and zipped it shut.
“Why do you think Mom is so uptight about the trip?” Christopher asked.
“I’m not sure. Maybe it has to do with Uncle Colton not coming,” I replied. It was the only thing that made sense to me because she got along well with everyone in the family.
“Maybe there’s something big going on that we don’t know about. I wonder if Nicholas knows anything,” he said.
“How about we stay out of it? Whatever it is, let’s hope it stays a secret until....”
“After the reunion. Wow. A family filled with secrets. Good thing I don’t have any,” he grinned.
I cocked a brow. “That makes me think you’re the one with the most.”