Page 7 of Bear's Second Chance Love
I made sure to clean us up, trying to process my thoughts. It’s obvious that my Bear had surged forward to claim her as our own but I’m just shocked. I have no idea what he saw in her because she is new, and he never wanted to mark Emily. It made me a little sick to my stomach because I never did this with Emily but maybe it happened for a reason. I’m not sure what the reason could have been…
But I don’t hate it.
I don’t want her to leave either. Is she going to run away now that I have had sex with her? I don’t really think so, but you never know. I let out a deep sigh, shaking my head slightly as I’m trying to process my thoughts once again.
I guess we’re just going to have to learn from this, I guess.
Something is wrong with Beorn, but I don’t know what it is.
We’ve been having so much sex and he hasn’t been mentioning making me leave either. Even though we had sex, I didn’t think it was going to be that easy to convince him to let me stay. I honestly thought that I was going to have to beg him and hope that he would let me. I can see him staring at me sometimes, like he is thinking about something long and hard, but I don’t know if I’m going to like it. I shouldn’t be so scared about whatever he is thinking though because he has made it clear time and time again that he doesn’t expect us to remain a couple.
I do want to be with him. I want to be with him more than I have ever wanted in my entire life. I’m not sure if that is a good thing though because we do not know each other really well but I don’t care. I don’t care that we don’t know each other. I don’t care that I’m going to have to change everything about us. I don’t care that I could just be a replacement for his ex-mate because I honestly don’t think that is the case. If he truly didn’t want me, he wouldn’t be doing any of this with me. He would just tell me how it is, and I would be forced to live with it.
I do feel like we’re getting closer finally and that is definitely saying something. If I had known this would be the best way to win him over, I would have jumped into his pants a long time ago. I think he is starting to like me though. I like how he smiles at me when he thinks I’m not looking and runs his fingers through his hair as he thinks long and hard about whatever. I exhaled slowly, diverting my attention because I didn’t want to jump his bones again.
I swear we have been having sex like three times a day, maybe more. I don’t think that my hole is going to be able to take much more because it’s not like Beorn is small. He is a fricken beast, that much is clear, and I have to keep reminding him that I’m going to break if he doesn’t get his shit together. He has kept me at a distance for a little while now, probably afraid that I might actually break.
It’s kind of cute if you ask me.
I chuckle softly to myself, going to turn away when I suddenly freeze, seeing an all too familiar person walking towards me, bears behind him. I already know they are my family, but I don’t know how in the world they have tracked me down. Beorn hadn’t seen them yet as the wind wasn’t blowing in his direction and his back was turned. I can’t believe that these bastards have tracked me down and STILL won’t leave me alone. Why can’t they catch a hint and realize that I don’t want anything to do with them?
Although they are the reason I met Beorn, they didn’t come here to be friendly.
No, they came here looking to pick a fight.
“Beorn?” I whisper hoarsely, a little afraid to turn my back on the bastards coming.
Beorn looks over at me and then sees them as well. His entire expression darkens and if looks could kill, each and every one of them would be dead already. I’m sure he can sense how nervous I am, making his way over to me to protectively wrap an arm around my waist. Travor, the rat bastard, quickly notices this and I see the fury that wells in his eyes. I’m not sure that he has to be mad about it because we’re not together but maybe he thought he could come here and start some bullshit. I’d love to just shove my foot up his ass and be done with it, but I know that this whole situation is putting Beorn on edge.
“What are you doing here?” I growl, standing by Beorn because I want to attack the bastard myself, “I thought I made it clear to you that I wasn’t interested in being your mate, nor coming back to that place. I can’t even consider it home.”
Trevor bursts out laughing, shaking his head, “I find it funny how you think you have a choice in the matter, Cora. You’re going to COME HOME whether you want to or not. I have a lot of big plans for you and me, and it does involve creating an heir for the Clan. The whole pack has agreed that no matter if you agree or not, it’s going to happen.”
My jaw drops because I seriously can’t believe what I’m hearing, “so you honestly think I’m just going to sit down and LET you have me? I don’t think so. I have my mate here.”
I’m fibbing a little bit, but Trevor’s eyes move to Beorn.
“Ah, yes, the Rogue bear who slaughtered his pack members just because he couldn’t protect his own mate.” Trevor muses, making Beorn stiffen with rage, “I must say, Cora, I thought that you would have better tastes then this. This… beast is just going to kill you like what happened with his previous mate. All you’re going to end up doing is getting yourself hurt.”
I peek up with Beorn, seeing how his eyes are glazed over with pain and anger.
“Come home.” Trevor tries to coax me, “you know I can always keep you safe. Your pet over here doesn’t have the capability to do that.”
I peer up at Beorn once again and it’s like he isn’t looking at anything. I stiffen though when I see Trevor walking towards us confidently, a triumphant grin on his face. It’s like he is thinking that he is winning this game but I’m going to have to break it to him that he’s not winning anything. I’m not going to go anywhere with this bastard.
Trevor reaches out to grab me, to not doubt try and take me away. I close my eyes, pleading with Beorn to do something. It happens all in the blink of an eye but the next thing I know, Trevor is a foot off the ground, a snarling Beorn having his hand wrapped around Trevor’s throat.
“Do not touch her!” Beorn snarls, tossing Trevor away from us like he weighed nothing, “She is mine!”
And like that, my heart is soaring in my chest.