Page 18 of Dragon's Den of Pleasure
Not everyone wants to be a parent. That doesn’t make them bad people. Raising a kid is a damned stressful job. It’s an important job, but it’s far from an easy one. It’s one of the hardest jobs anyone will ever have to do, and I don’t know if I can reasonably expect Drake to co-parent with me. After all, he saved my life, but he didn’t seduce me. I seduced him.
And I don’t want to force anyone to be a father. That’s not fair to Drake or to me. It’s definitely not fair to our child. I would rather raise the child alone than with an unwilling partner.
But the idea that Drake might be an unwilling partner, and he might now want to be with me is more than I can stomach right now.
What if he doesn’t want me? What if the moment he hears about the baby he wants nothing to do with me?
I’ve felt fear before, but no fear, not even the fear I felt as I fell from that ledge on Mount Hunter, compares to the panic that grips my chest right now.
She looks suddenlynervous and afraid. Then, she lies to me. No, she tells me a half-truth. She says, “I… I missed you, and I realized I should have asked you to continue the relationship or even let me stay with you in Alaska.”
Dragons possess heightened senses. We have better vision than eagles. We have a better sense of smell than a bloodhound. I could keep going, but I’ll just tell you that each of our five senses is better than any other creature on this planet and we also have different senses reserved just for Dragons. No person has ever lied to me without me knowing. If I buy a cup of coffee for those rare times I leave my den, if I ask how the barista is doing and the response is, “Fine, thanks,” I know if she’s really fine or if she’s just giving me an automatic customer service response.
Sienna is telling me the truth that she missed me and realized she should have asked me if it would be okay for us to remain together. However, she is lying about that being the reason for the message.
Once again, I could get compliance from her immediately. I could simply tell her to tell me. I don’t though. I can’t with her. Well, I have the ability, strictly speaking. I can’t bring myself to do it, though. I smile and pull her to me, kissing her softly. “I spent the time beating myself up about not asking you to stay,” I tell her. “May I take you to dinner tonight? If I don’t, you’re going to turn me on again, and then who knows if we’ll ever leave this place.”
She giggles and says, “Okay, let me get dressed.”
My inclination is to take her to a fancy restaurant, something that will blow her away. So, I say, “actually, let’s go buy you an outfit.”
“Oh,” she says, “you don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to,” I say. “I choose to do this for you. I choose to buy you an outfit and take you to dinner. Now get dressed, but don’t worry too much about what you wear. They won’t be the clothes you return home in.”
She blushes, but I don’t see the relief—even in part—that I hope to see. I realize that whatever she’s hiding from me, it’s serious enough that she won’t relax until she tells me.
Well, hopefully after tonight, she’ll have relaxed enough to be comfortable telling me everything she’s hiding now.
A part of me wonders if I’m making the right decision by being gentle with her. If what she has to tell me is so serious that it affects her this way, then maybe the right thing to do is be a little firmer with her.
I reject that idea, though, because there could be many reasons that she is hesitant that aren’t life-threatening, and I don’t want her to feel pressured. Worse, I don’t want to force her to tell me but want her to come to that decision herself. We are, after all, still new in our relationship. I don’t want to risk making her feel that I intend to be demanding or controlling or, worse, her complying without realizing it’s the dragon in me forcing it, thinking she’s doing things of her own will but not.
It occurs to me with sudden clarity that I am equally nervous around her. It’s a new feeling for me. I’ve never felt anything even close to anxiety over a woman. I suppose it’s just another sign of how different Sienna is from all of my previous lovers.
I take her to a boutique, an expensive one. “Oh, Drake,” she says, “this is too much! This is…”
“Enough,” I say, gently but with command. “I intend to spoil you tonight. I’ll hear no more protest.”
She blushes again and says, “Why are you doing this for me?”
Because I love you, I think but don’t say. My next thought is a wry admission that if I can’t bring myself to disclose my feelings for her, then I certainly can’t expect her to disclose her feelings for me.
“Because I can and I didn’t get the chance while we were apart,” I say instead, my own half-truth.
She smiles gratefully up at me, but that fear is still there underneath her joy.
We head inside, and I select a long black cocktail dress for her that falls just above her ankles but has a slit on the left side that travels to mid-thigh. It has a mid-back and a v-collar that reveals the perfect amount of her cleavage—enough to tease at what’s underneath without looking cheap or trashy.
I selected a pair of black heels for her as well and purchased a pair of panties and a bra. She smiles when she sees the soft silk lace of the underwear. Her expression grows mischievous, and she looks at me. “Drake, would you help me try the dress on? I want to see what they look like on me.”
They look beautiful, and the blowjob she gives me in the dressing room feels beautiful. When we reach the restaurant, the orgasm I massage out of her clit with my hand leaves her as flushed and smiling as I am.
The restaurant is a prestigious steakhouse in Newport Beach, an expensive oceanside town in Orange County that is renowned for its luxury. I order her a filet and myself a ribeye, both of which are cooked exquisitely. We talk about nothing over dinner, but when dinner is finished, and we wait for dessert, I decide that we must talk.
“I understand the distance between us is an impediment for you,” I say.