Page 9 of Sold for Sin
“His name is Nexus, by the way.”
“He’s beautiful,” I remark, extending a hand toward him.
“Be careful, he’s not exactly –”
He stops when Nexus nudges my hand.
“How on Protheka did you get one of these?” I ask, stroking Nexus’s forehead. “I’ve never seen someone have one as a pet before.”
“I found him as a young animal, half-starved. I think he shows me a favor because he remembers all that I did for him. Indeed, he still has a wild side and doesn’t typically take kindly to strangers, save for you apparently, but he and I got along from day one. I must admit, I’m flabbergasted he’s even letting you touch him.”
I continue petting Nexus, curious how such a courageous and strong animal could be trained so well by an elf. It only makes me wonder about the abilities he has. Something mysterious lies deep within Valkus’ character, and I want to stick around and uncover that.
“Your family is blessed by the gods to have such a glorious being in their home.”
“Unfortunately, they don’t see it that way.” He sighs. “But that’s okay. Nexus is more of a friend to me than my family is.”
Unsure of what to say, I keep my lips sealed.
“Anyway,” he continues. “Nexus aside, tell me more of your typical experience with the people in this town.”
“Oh, where do I start?” I laugh. “Hmm, violent, standoffish, pretty unpleasant all-round. As sad as it sounds, I’m used to unwelcome comments and elves trying to get their hands on me.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” says Valkus. “Nexus and I could certainly help with that. You’ll have protection, that and much, much more should you make the right decision and come with me. Life for me is far different from those living here in the filth of the lowtowns.”
“Well, no one here has a likar.” I chuckle. He laughs with me. “Look, I’m just not sure. We just met, but don’t get me wrong, I’m really grateful for your help.”
“You need not thank me for doing the right thing,” he says, waving a dismissive hand. At the same time, he runs a studious eye over my body. “But I’m an honest man, Althia. I point things out where I see them.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, halting in place.
“To put it bluntly, you are frail. Do you have a home?”
“Yes,” I answer. By the raise of his eyebrow, I can tell he doesn’t fully believe me. “I’ll admit that it’s far from ideal.”
“What about food?”
I let go of his hand, unconsciously laying it over my stomach.
“I… I usually have to ration it out strictly.”
“So you don’t have enough to buy enough food, is that right?”
“Well, food and everything else is pretty tough to keep on top of. I just barely get by.”
“Althia, I have all of this at my disposal.” He looks on ahead, up a path that leads away from my home. “My place is that way, so this is where you must make your final decision.”
I’m closer than ever to being swayed to go with him. Apart from his good looks and charm, the promise of warm shelter and good food sounds pretty damn enticing.
“I implore you to join me,” he says, extending his hand out. At the same time, Nexus approaches my hand, giving it a sniff before nudging me. “As does Nexus, as it seems. So, what do you say?”
It seems like I don’t have much of an option given how insistent he is… But what do I have to lose in saying yes? The answer is clear, absolutely nothing.
I take his hand. My gracious acceptance spreads that handsome smile across his face once more.
“Excellent choice. You won’t regret it.” He beams. “Just this way then.”
Together, we walk up a slight incline, making various twists and turns until a manor comes into view up ahead.