Page 18 of A Real Good Bad Thing
His eyes darkened with desire. “I do but not here or now. Besides, a man needs to earn it. You need to come again, maybe even a few more times, before I do.”
“You’re going to give me another orgasm tonight?” I wasn’t used to that kind of largesse. But I wanted it. Oh hell, did I want it.
“How about tomorrow?” he asked with a devilish grin.
I couldn’t hide my smile. “Oh, you reallydowant to see me again.”
He pulled me in for another kiss. “I do.”
I climbed off him, and after we straightened up and finished our drinks, I said goodbye. “Be sure to check your note if you haven’t already.”
“You are a mystery, Ariel.”
“And you like it.”
With a sexy nod, he said, “Seems I do.”
Later, at my hotel, I researched tomorrow’s plan of attack and tackled Kylie’s tutor project, firing off emails to a few of the names she’d sent me already.
As I lay in bed, I unfolded the napkin from The Pink Pelican and reread the details. I knew this was a distraction, but I’d already given in tonight.
Was there room for a little tryst on the side? Mixing business with pleasure was dangerous. Ever since the romance with Rosalinda went belly-up, I’d been a rules man through and through, and the number-one rule was to maintain boundaries. Rosalinda’s trickery had endangered the assignment and nearly cost me one of the biggest jobs I’d ever nabbed. I pressed my thumb and forefinger against the bridge of my nose, crumpling the napkin in my other hand.
Best to forget Ariel. But then, as I tossed the napkin in the trash can near the door, I rewound to those moments in The Pink Pelican, then later at her hotel. That time on the lounge chair when she’d desperately sought her pleasure had obliterated my brain cells, and now the rich, ripe memory of it was making it hard to think about anything else.
Too hard.
I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I walked over to the trash can, fished out the napkin, and read it one more time.
123. Happy Turtle. Tomorrow.
Fuck it.
I was an adult. I could handle a tropical affair without it spilling over and affecting the job. And that was all this was—an island rendezvous that stayed inside the lines.
* * *
The next morning found me in my rental car parked a safe distance outside Eli’s house, keen to learn his habits. Sunglasses on and ball cap pulled low, I watched the silhouette of a tall man wander past a window on the second floor a few times and tried to make out what room he was in. Bedroom maybe. Perhaps an office. Even with my mini binoculars, I couldn’t tell. Too many tree branches in the way, and blinds covered most of the windows.
I lowered the binoculars, and for a while, I alternated between watching the house and answering emails from potential tutors for Kylie.
Then, I thumbed through Kate’s emails about inquiries from new clients.Have I mentioned you need to bring someone else on board? Lots of work coming our way.
I sure did enjoy those words—lots of work—because lots of work was the one guaranteed way for me to pay off all the college bills for my brother and younger sister.Excellent. Try Dan if it’s not too wild a job.
Dan was a buddy from my Army days who picked up occasional work for me.
Movement at the front of the house made me table all thoughts of work. Eli strolled down the stone path of his house, tossing his keys lightly from hand to hand, pausing to literally stop and smell the roses growing around his tropical home. He certainly knew how to enjoy every moment. The nightclub, the island sunshine…other people’s money…
He walked to a gleaming black Audi, as if to prove my point.
When he pulled onto the road and drove into town, I followed from a few vehicles behind. Looked like he was headed to the financial district. Banks, banks, and more banks lined the main street, slicing the island into water and money. Sleek black cars dropped off sharp-dressed women and men in crisp suits and ties, their outfits a stark contrast to the island lifestyle.