Page 11 of Dallas
“I’m coming,” he told her, and as her hot pussy clamped down on his cock, he erupted within her. He felt her pussy spasm and pulsate around his cock, and he was certain she was coming again as he filled her with his cum.
He was spent as he collapsed on top of her. He laughed a little. “I have to take a shower, but I’m so relaxed right now, I’d more than likely drown in there standing up. Wouldn’t that be hard to explain to someone when they come for my body?”
Standing up, he couldn’t believe how wonderful he felt. Rested was one of them that he was glad to feel but also loved. He would never have thought, the first time that he met her, they’d be mates, much less having so much fun having sex with her.
Amy sat on the deck and watched the Dixon brothers put together a grill. Or attempt to put it together. It was a very large grill, but they wouldn’t read the instructions. So every time they got to a certain place where they’d not put one of the screws or something, they’d have to tear it all down again and start over. She smiled at her dad when he sat down beside her.
“They’re not going to be done before midnight if they keep at it the way that they are. I might have started out with not reading instructions when I first met your mom, but I got over that quick enough when she’d come along and do it on the first try without any leftover parts, too.” Amy told her dad that she was just waiting for them to start cursing again. “I believe that will be coming along soon, too.”
Almost on cue, Booth started cursing. In several languages, too, if she didn’t miss her bet. Standing up, telling her dad she’d be back, Amy made her way to where the instructions had been tossed and picked them up. Sherman, Dallas’ father, joined her when she sat near the parts spread all over the lawn. She started sorting them by piece and had them in neat piles before she looked at the men.
“You’re going to put it together?” She grinned at Dallas. “Then have at it. I’m not sure who thought it would be a good idea to put this sucker together without the instructions, but I’m starving, and we’re getting no closer to eating until this is put together. I’m going to find something to do that will get this going in the right direction. I love you so much.”
After a quick kiss on her mouth, Dallas made his way to the house. He was whistling a tune she didn’t know, but he was happy, and that’s all that mattered to her. Amy looked at Waylon when he laughed.
“You have him well and truly tangled up in love, don’t you?” She said that she did and it was good since she felt the same way around him. “I cannot wait to meet my mate and have her making me all topsy turvy all the time. It’s a good look on him. You too if you want to know the truth of it. I really never thought of being in love before you came along. I think, no, that’s not right. I want to try it out for myself.”
“Thanks.” After reading the instructions, she had the grill together in less than an hour. One of the brothers, she didn’t know which one had peeled all the numbers off the parts, so she had to figure that out, or she might well have been done sooner. As it turned out, they had fresh veggies grilling on the grill in no time. She looked over at Sherman when he laughed.
“I guess you guys are all herbivores. At least, that’s what I read up on gorillas. Do you ever eat meat?” Sherman said that they did as shifters, but it wasn’t something that they went out of the way to have. “I’m going to eat a burger with my meal. Dallas told me that you guys like a good burger, too, that you pick up locally. Is that right?”
“It is. But usually, they’re plant-based burgers. I especially love the ones that come from the butcher locally. He knows what we are and keeps in a good supply of them all the time for us. Sausage too. What kind of questions do you have for us now that you’re bonded with Dallas? I’m not trying to embarrass you, but you should know that there are as many differences as there are likenesses in the two kinds of our species.”
“Dallas and I have been talking about children. He said that he doesn’t have a great deal of knowledge of them. What will I have? Will he be a shifter as well? Also, can I be turned into a gorilla at some point?” He told her that those were all good questions. “Thank you kindly. My brother asked me a couple of them, so I’m not going to be able to take full credit. The one that he told me I should find out is the changing myself part.”
“Sadly, you won’t be able to become a gorilla. Dallas could and has given you magic enough to keep you from being harmed, but you’ll only be able to be what you are now. With a lot extra.” She nodded, saddened by that too. “Children? Let me think. Yes, you can have shifter children, mostly because of what Dallas is as the silverback. The gestation period is the same as a human, but you will need to rest a great deal more and exercise, too. Dallas was the biggest child that Betty carried, and none of them weighed any less than eleven pounds. So be prepared to be large with child. You won’t gain any weight when you’re not carrying a child. You can and should eat anything you want. Including desserts.”
“That sounds like a challenge.” They both laughed. “I’m not much for desserts. I love cookies that are iced but not so much anything else. Oh, I do like a lemon pie.”
“I love all pies. So does Booth. He can sit down and have just that for dinner. In fact, I think he’s done that a few times. He has a major sweet tooth.” Sherman took her hand into his, and he smiled at her. “The grandchildren part will make everyone happy. I’m also glad that you didn’t murder Dallas with the way that he treated you from the start. And that you didn’t hold it against us by thinking that we had raised him that way.”
“No. It never occurred to me about his parents when I was pissed off at him.” Nodding, Sherman looked over at his parents and Betty’s parents. “They’re the sweetest people. They’ve been nothing but welcoming to me since I came here. I’m sure that when they’re pushed, they can be mean, but you’d never know it when they play with the younger kids. Jamie’s children have started calling them grandma and grandpa. You and Betty, as well. I’m glad. They need to understand that there are different peoples everywhere.”
“Yes, they are polite children. Especially for growing up in the spotlight like they have.” He turned to her then. “I heard that Jamie isn’t going to run again for president. That’s something that I want to talk to you about. He’s done such a lovely job since he’s been in office. It would be a shame for all his hard work to go for nothing. Don’t you think?”
“I do. But he wants to spend more time with his family.” Sherman nodded. “What is it you’re thinking? While I’d never play poker with any of you, you looked like you have something to say about him running or not.”
“Now that he has a handle on what was bothering his wife and that trouble has been taken care of, I had hoped that he’d run again. I can see him not only doing a much better job than he had before but also him carving out more time for his family. Carol, too, getting more involved with his plans because she no longer has to hide away from the public. I think that once you think about it, you’ll see that I’m right.” She watched Carrie and Connor as they played at the feet of Dallas’ grandparents. They were staying for a few days so that Carol and Jamie could talk. “They’re never going to be out of the spotlight. None of you will now that you’re getting married at the White House. Not ever because of what your brother is. So there is no reason that he doesn’t do something with the knowledge that he has now about the job and make a difference to a great many people.”
“Why aren’t you saying this to him? You want me to tell him to get up off his ass and keep doing his job? No, it’s not going to work like that. You’re being pushy about this for a reason. Tell me what it is.” Sherman nodded. He looked so serious then. “You know something, don’t you? What is it?”
“Only my wife knows what I’m about to tell you. It’s important that no one knows other than…I don’t want people coming to me about their lives. All right?” Amy asked him what it was: “I can see bits and pieces of the future. It’s about Jamie’s children. When they were here the first time, I saw that both kids were well-adjusted and happy. They were no longer at the White House because Jamie had ended his terms well. He didn’t quit, for lack of a better term. But today, when I was with them, I saw something entirely different. Carrie ends up on the wrong end of an abusive husband. He kills her and one of her children. Connor isn’t so lucky in that he got to have children. The little man is killed in a public school where a mass shooting occurs. He did end up saving a lot of lives, but his life is cut short because he wasn’t in a private setting like he would have been if Jamie had been in the White House.”
Amy was still sitting on the bench when Dallas came to get her for dinner. She knew what she had to do. She was going to call her brother as soon as dinner was over to—no, she was going to do it now and told Dallas she had to talk to Jamie.
Settling in the office with her cell phone, she tried to think of the best way to tell him. Thinking that straight up was the best, she dialed the private number that they shared and waited for him to answer. It was Carol who said hello to her.
“I need to talk to the two of you if you’re not too busy. It’s very important. It’s about the kids. They’re fine, having a wonderful time, but I need to talk to the two of you.” She asked if the kids really were all right, and Amy assured her that they were. “If it’s not a good time, Carol. You can call me back when you want. I’ll wait for your call.”
“No. I’m going to get Jamie. No, that’ll be wrong. He’s gone down to the kitchen to get us some snacks. We’re going to watch some—never mind. I don’t want to alert anyone that there is trouble brewing. When he comes back up here, I’ll ring you right back. The kids are being good, right?” She said that they were the life of the dinner table. “Thank you for that. All right. I’ll ring you back in a few minutes.”
Dallas hadn’t known about his father’s ability. But now that he did, he explained that he could see bits too, but he, for the most part, had ignored it. Because he told his dad, he didn’t want to be made fun of or seem to be out of sync with the rest of the family. Dad hugged him so many times that it was something that he would remember forever.
“You’ll pay attention now, won’t you? I mean, it will be mostly about the family, but sometimes it has something to do with the town. That’s what I see anyway.” Dallas told him that he could see things about items that he could touch, too. “I’ve never…well, like you, I was sort of freaked out when I started seeing that my boys were coming along. I’ll try that sometime when I’m alone. I don’t want to embarrass myself too much.”