Page 13 of Sebastian Gerald
“Are you enjoying this?” He nodded, again not positive if he could have given her a verbal answer. “I am as well. I love the way that your cock fills my mouth. I want to feel you inside of me, too. But first, I want you to come all over me.”
“Yes.” She stood up then, and he pulled her close enough that he could suckle at her breasts. They were small but firm. Her nipples were tight and such a lovely shade of pink that he couldn’t help but nip at the thick buds over and over. She pushed him back onto the bed, and he lay there, waiting for her to make the next move.
She sat on his thighs. Wrapping his hand around his cock, he only had to give it a single tug, and he was coming. It was a sight that made him come all the harder as his cum splashed against her lips, chin, and breasts. Christ. Then, when she rubbed his cream all over herself, he had to close his eyes. Too much. Not only that, but he thought that his head was having a brain attack.
“I want to ride you.” All he could think about was that he was spent. That if she wanted to ride him, she was on her own. As he helped her settle over his cock, Sebastian thought he was about as hard it was going to be not to come right away as his body had a mind of its own. Or perhaps it just didn’t care about anything but pleasing his other half. As she slowly slid down over him, his balls, already tight against his body, seemed to have grown tighter. Filled even more. Holding her thighs as tightly as he dared, he begged her to give him a moment so that he could enjoy her.
When she moved, just to adjust her hips, he sat up and held her to him as he came. Christ, it felt like his entire body was being turned inside out and then dragged through a wormhole until he was sitting back on the bed. Rolling her to her back, she pouted at him, but at this point, it was too much. He needed to have her come with him.
Fucking her was something that he’d thought of for days. Even before that, he thought. She had been his other half. The woman that completed him. Slowing himself down, touching every inch of her that he could reach, he marveled at how soft her flesh was. How beautiful she smelled. Even her taste, a sweet sweat with the soap that she’d bathed with this morning, was more than he could have hoped for.
“I need to come.” He did as well and told her just to give him a moment. “No. I need to come, and I need so desperately for you to come with me. Now, Sebastian. I need you to come with me now.”
The climax that he had, that he shared with her, was more than he could have imagined. Even as his cock emptied deep within her, he could feel his body and mind connecting with her. They were one. In that moment, they were a couple. One that would spend the rest of their lives loving each other.
Sebastian fucked her through three more powerful climaxes. His body didn’t want to quit. As he came a second time, his body hard against hers, he suckled at her breasts until she cried out that she was coming again. Just as he was falling back, his body spent, he rolled over so as not to crush her and fell asleep.
Waking sometime in the dark room, he reached for Toby, and she moved closer to him. Pulling her atop him, he held her gently in his arms as he drifted back to sleep. This was something that he’d been wanting all his life and hadn’t known it. Someone to cuddle with and to love throughout the night.
The next time he woke up, the room was still dark, and he reached again for Toby. However, he came across a cold sheet, and she was not in the room. Getting up, he found the light on in the bathroom and knocked on the door. She told him that she was coming to bed for him to warm it up for her.
He must have dozed off waiting for her, so when she stretched her cold body next to him, he laughed. Whatever she’d been doing, it had been long enough that she felt frozen through. Holding onto her until she warmed up, he started to drift off.
“I want children with you.” He told her that he’d love that too. “I don’t mean just us having them but adopting them too. I want my children to understand that money doesn’t mean the end all to problems. I want them to know that we have to give as much as we can.”
“I agree with you on that. Without my grannie taking me in, there is no telling how I would have turned out. The same with Kelly. Having money does have its advantages, as I’m sure you know, but as you said, it doesn’t mean that it can solve all problems.” She kissed him on his nose, and he laughed again. “What was that for? Not that I mind, but what was that cute kiss for?”
“For being perfect for me.” He didn’t think he was nearly that, but she snuggled up and under his chin, and he knew the moment she was asleep. Sebastian lay there for several minutes, thinking of having a houseful of children, and couldn’t wait. Of course, they’d need to try harder now that they’d come to the decision to have children, and he couldn’t wait. Moving his legs around, however, made him realize that he was going to have to rest up if they had sex like this every night. He’d be old before his time if he didn’t get rest.
Waking again, the room was bright with light, and he stretched before thinking about how sore he was going to be. Looking over at Toby when she giggled, he asked her if she was sore too.
“I’m afraid to blink. I don’t know if you can strain your eyeballs or not, but I feel like I’d be safer if I didn’t push it.” They both laughed and then moaned. “That was fantastic, don’t get me wrong, but damn, I hurt everywhere. I’ve thought about getting up and taking a long, hot shower, but the thought of putting my feet on the floor to walk to the bathroom scares me a bit.”
In the end, they helped each other to the bathroom. Even for as short of a walk as it was, they were moaning and groaning about it. As soon as they stepped under the hot spray, it was as if all the aches and pains just washed away. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her with all the gentleness he could manage while pressing her against the shower wall.
Sebastian took her hard. His body, still spent from last night, was only able to give her as much pleasure as he could. Touching her ass, he pulled her closer to him and held her there while he moved in and out of her. It was like he’d never made love before. Not like it was with her.
“Take me, Sebastian. Please, I need to feel whole.” Fucking her harder, taking her slightly savagely, he felt her body tightened around his cock and nipped none too softly at her throat. When she cried out, Sebastian came with her. His cock filled a second time before he was able to back away.
Both of them sated leaned against opposite walls of the stall and smiled. When she reached for him, it was all he could do not to cringe from her. His body was finished. If he had to run from this house because it was on fire, he’d die. That was all there was to it.
Getting out of the stall had them both making slight noises on their hurts. When she couldn’t dry her hair, he did it for her. Even going so far as to have her sitting on the room’s only seat, the toilet, so that he could dry her feet.
“The more I move around, the more I realize that I’m totally out of shape for you.” Toby laughed. It was a hardy laugh like she’d been caught off guard by it. “I think that we should just hang out here today, play with Kelly, and not leave the couch.”
“Excellent idea. I’m all for it.” As soon as they dressed, both of them opting for shorts and tee shirts, he went to the nursery to get Kelly. When he turned to look at him, the little guy smiled. Sebastian thought that he could live forever on that one little toothless smile.
After an early lunch, the three of them did hang out in the living room. There was a lot that they could have been doing, but neither of them felt like moving. Even Kelly, for being as young as he was, seemed to understand that it was a fuss-less day. The three of them, well he and Toby, decided to have dinner delivered, and they even ate that on the living room floor.
All in all, he thought it was the best day that he’d had in a good long time. He was going to make more days like this with his family. Now, all he had to do was to get Daisy home with them, and he thought that he could take on the world. Maybe in a couple of days, he told himself, still hurting from making love with Toby.
Chapter 6
“Parker’s mother died last night.” Toby told him that she’d heard about it on the news and that the Roman family was going to put on a large street fair in their honor. “Yeah, it talks about that in the paper too. How the family is going to provide all the food and that you only needed to bring your own containers to take things home or plateware to eat there with them. Or both. That was very generous of them. The police are going to be serving up the food for them all. Nice way to bring all the family and the cops together.”
“That’ll help a lot of people that day and beyond. If there are any leftovers, it’s all going to the shelters around the state. He was a generous man, as it turns out.” Toby turned in her chair and looked up at him. “What are we going to wear to this thing? I’m assuming that we’re going?”
“Yes. We were asked that we come so that more of the family could get to know us. I’m still blown away by the fact that we’re related to the Romans. Well, at least I am, and by extension, you guys, too. Do you suppose that Heather had any idea when she took me what she was doing?” Toby told him that she didn’t think Heather ever knew what she was doing. “Good point. But she’s gone now, and we’re free to roam around without having to look over our shoulders all the time. From any of the three of them. They were monsters, the lot of them.”