Page 82 of Vicious Impulses (The Capo and Ballerina)
“Caelian,” I shriek, my words muffled.
“I feel foolish for trusting you. For ever thinking you’d adjust to the life I was trying to give you. That you were even deserving of it. You deserve nothing. Things are about to change, Nevaeh… for the worse. I’m about to show you how good you had it before you went and fucked up.”
I’m weeping by the time he’s returned his hand to my backside. He smooths his rough palm along the round shape almost in a tender way. The false sense of safety is nothing more than a prelude to the next strike of his palm.
It comes in the following second. Raw and brutal against my supple, sore flesh.
The torment does something to me the longer it goes on. Each smack intensifies the sting of the one before it; each dose of pain makes my heart pound harder.
It sends a current of adrenaline coursing through my veins.
Soon, I’m breathless. I’m counting the seconds ’til the next wallop and then soaking up the sting that comes with it.
My body quakes. My teeth bite into the rolled up fabric jammed in my mouth. I’m aching and hot. Sore and indignant… but also dazed and wet.
His fingers return to my pussy. I can practically feel his grin. “Doesmia bella ballerinaget turned on when I spank her? You like it when it hurts?”
I growl in answer, more than a little delirious. I couldn’t form a full sentence even if I weren’t gagged.
But even despite the confusing reaction he’s forcing out of me, I’m distantly aware of one thing—I have to find a way out of this situation.
Caelian’s not going to be merciful anytime soon. I can’t give him the type of answers he’s seeking. Which means I need an escape.
“Who would’ve known my ballerina’s not so innocent?” he asks, rubbing my pussy. “Who would’ve known she’s a bad, filthy little troublemaker that wants me to punish her?”
Think. Think. THINK!
I urge my body to cease its reactions to him. His probing fingers. The rough palm of his hand. The taunting words and insinuations of what’s to come.
“It’s only the beginning,bella,” he says. “I’m going to make you wish you never—ARGH!”
I seize the moment in the only way I can. I wait until his hand shifts from where it’s positioned on my back to aid his other hand in massaging my behind. The second it has, I’m rolling off him, thudding onto the ground. He’s a towering force rising up onto his feet and scooping a large hand down to snatch me.
But I’m ready for him—I anticipate the move and slide to the left. As he swipes at me a second time, I thrust my foot at his groin as hard as I can.
He roars like a beast, veins throbbing in his thick neck.
I’m already on the go. I’m leaping up onto my feet and darting for the door. In a few quick steps, I’m making it to the door and wrenching it open.
The wood floor is cold and slippery against my bare feet, but it spurs me to go faster. I hurtle down the hall in my nightgown and dark tangle of hair.
Caelian’s not down for long. My foot’s pushing off the bottom stair when his are pounding down the top half of the staircase.
Times like these remind me of how much of a maze his estate is. I zip down halls and round corners, huffing out frantic breaths, as I race toward the front door.
Twenty feet… fifteen feet… ten feet…
My hand stretches out and I leap the last few feet like this is a performance for Ignazio’s show.
The night’s a cold and frosty landscape with no light to be found. The sky’s a color darker than graphite and the ground’s caked in fresh snowfall.
I don’t hesitate or give it any thought. My bare feet sink into the mounds of snow. The iciness shocks its way up my limbs and draws another gasping breath out of me. I push on, one foot after the other, ’til I’m turning numb. I’m crossing the length of the courtyard, and the surrounding woodland comes into view.
I have no idea where the hell I’m even going, or what my real plan is. I just know I have to get away from Caelian and his wrath.
My hope for escape is dashed.
As I make my way through the snow, Caelian bulldozes across the snow-laden landscape. The air I’m sucking into my lungs vanishes and a dark cloak envelops me. His presenceconsumesme before he even touches me.