Page 57 of Vicious Impulses (The Capo and Ballerina)
In the past, she’s denied my touch. She’s recoiled whenever I’ve stroked her cheek or attempted to hold her in my arms.
It may be slowly, but things are beginning to change between us. Nevaeh only hesitates a second before she takes my hand and lets me lead her toward the revolving doors of the Bareiss.
* * *
It takes us almost an hour to reach the vineyard where I’ve arranged our horse-drawn carriage ride. Our tour guide flags us down from where he’s waiting by the carriage. He explains we’ll be riding through the Swiss countryside, exploring the many green hills and fields used to grow grapes and make wine.
I hoist Nevaeh up into the carriage. She shrieks as her feet leave the ground and I plop her down on the cushioned seat. I climb in after her, the addition of my large and muscular mass causing the carriage to rock under my weight.
Nevaeh’s like a child in a candy store, the way she’s glancing around in every direction. Her large brown eyes shine with wonder, drinking in the scenic views of the wide-open sky and miles of green hills.
I become more interested in watching her watch the surroundings.
Given her strict background and lifestyle in the dance company, she’s never had the chance to sightsee or explore. Our trip is the first time in her life she’s ever really been anywhere. Admittedly, the significance of this was lost on me until this moment.
It makes me want to show her more. Take her other places. Be the one who opens up her horizons.
My angel has been so sheltered, she has no clue what the real world is like.
Our fingers intertwine in her lap. We share the slightest smile as the carriage pitches forward, the horse leading us clomping down the path. Our tour guide drones on about the historic background we’re passing by, dropping fun facts about the vineyards and sharing other interesting info people would probably love.
But Nevaeh and I are too preoccupied with each other to notice.
“You seemed upset,” she says. “When you first came back to the hotel. Did your business go okay?”
“I wasn’t handling business—not intentionally. I was at an appointment for a procedure I’ll be beginning tomorrow.”
Her brows pinch closer. “What kind of procedure?”
“Something that may cure me of my condition. But that’s not why I was behaving like I was when I got back to the hotel. I don’t get upset, by the way.”
“Cael, everyone gets upset sometimes,” she says, a lightness in her tone. Some form of amusement on her part. “It’s okay that you were upset.”
“I wasn’t upset,” I snap in a deep rumble. “I don’t get upset. I was fucking pissed.”
My response should be intimidating to her—and it used to be up until recently. But in the face of my rumble, she merely smirks and traces her fingertips along my tattooed knuckles. I can feel the amused energy coming off her, like she’s still thinking in her head that I’mupset.
It should make me scowl. Bark at her for taunting me and disrespecting me.
A few days ago, it would have. Instead, I trap her hand within my own again and growl at her for being naughty. “You must want me to punish you,bella. I should put you over my knee right here in front of the tour guide and spank that little fat ass of yours. Would you still be smirking then?”
Said smirk drops off her face. Her eyes go wide, and she stares at me, stunned.
I rumble out a laugh. “As I was saying, I wasn’t upset,bella. I was fucking pissed.”
“But why?”
“I received some bad news.”
“Regarding your family? Is it the Vorones?”
“Don’t worry about it,bella. This is supposed to an outing for you to enjoy. You aren’t involved in anything going on with my business dealings.” I grip her chin and drop a kiss on her lips, though it does nothing to chase away her curious frown. “How are you liking your first time out of the country?”
Her eyes soften on me. “It’s been amazing. Everything’s so open here. So… clean.”
I grunt, amused. “As opposed to the dirtiness of Dresden?”
She nods. “It’s home, but everything’s so worn down and gray. I’ve never seen so many open fields before.”