Page 20 of No More Secrets
“I didn’t say anything.” He didn’t have to say a word; his body language said it all.
“Your tone. Jerk.” She glares at her brother. Great, now everyone is fighting. This is definitely all my fault.
“I think it’s that one.” I point to the one across from Sadie’s room.
“Thanks,” he mutters, but it doesn’t sound like a real thank you.
“Don’t you slam it!” Sadie shouts at Van right before he is about to do just that. He takes an audible breath but closes the door gently. “It’s okay.” Sadie grabs my hand, trying to comfort me. That in itself almost makes the tears break free. I’m the one that uprooted their lives, and still she’s trying to comfort me.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper.
“It’s fine.” Sadie elbows her dad. “Tell her that everything is going to be okay.”
“He just needs time, Fischl. It’s a big change for all of us. It’s hard to look at Cooper and not be pissed. I’m still adjusting.”
“I think Cooper means well. I feel bad for him.” Sadie has always had the sweetest heart. She tries to see the good in every situation.
We all glance down the hallway when we hear a noise. Cooper is standing at the end of the hallway. His expression isn’t much better than Van’s was. I’m sure Van had a few choice words for his dad.
“I’m going to talk to him.” I can’t help but feel sorry for Coop. He doesn’t deserve this. It wasn’t his fault. In time, hopefully I can get that message across to Van.
“We’ll go grab some more stuff to bring in.” Sebastian wraps his arm around Sadie’s shoulder.
Cooper steps aside to let them by. He comes to me, pulling me into his arms. I wrap mine around him, burying my face in his chest.
“It’s going to be okay.” He rubs his hand up and down my back, comforting me. I drop my head back and mouth to him that Van is right there on the other side of the door so he doesn’t say something he shouldn’t.
“I’m going to talk to him,” I tell Cooper. I haven’t gotten to give him all the details yet. I too should be on the receiving end of his anger. It was my mother’s fault that all of this happened. And I should have known better than to believe her. I was young, stupid, and filled with hormones. She took advantage of that.
Cooper leans down, his mouth coming to my ear. “This isn’t all your fault. Don’t put it all on you.” He kisses me below the ear. “I love you.” I’ll never get tired of hearing those words from him.
“I love you too.” I drop my hands to go face-off with my son.
Van never asked anything about his father over the years. I thought he didn’t care, but I’m seeing now it’s because he’s angry. He thinks Coop abandoned him. I need to set the record straight.
“I’ll be down once I talk to him,” I tell Coop before I head to Van’s room.
“I’ll be waiting. Everything’s going to be all right,” Coop says. I’m not sure if he’s trying to convince me or himself.
I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before I knock on Van’s door. “Honey, can I come in?” There is a long pause. He wants to say no. I close my eyes. Van has never pushed me away. I deserve it. I’m not going to force him to talk about this. Not yet, anyway. “Okay. I love you,” I say, letting him know I’m not upset with him. I’ll give him space if that’s what he needs.
“Mom.” He jerks the door open. His eyes meet mine before they dart above me, I’m sure to look at Cooper. “Not him.”
“Don’t make her cry.”
“Fuck you, man. That’s all you ever did.” Shots fired.
“Hey!” I put my hands on Van’s chest to push him back into the room. I close the door as soon as I can. “Don’t do that.”
“Mom, he—”
“It was my fault too. I never told him.” When we talked about it briefly, I said there was a misunderstanding.
“I know what you’re doing.” Van walks over and drops down on the bed. “You cover for everyone. You would rather take the blame so that I don’t hate him.” I can’t disagree with him there. I would do something like that. But that’s not the case here.
“It’s true, Van. I’m not covering for anyone.”
“He hurt you. You tried to hide it, but there is a reason you don’t date. I didn’t have to ask. I knew.”