Page 7 of Spirits and Snowflakes
It wasn’t often that I let my insecurities win, but getting back into a big investigation like this was hard. It brought up some bad memories that I wasn’t willing to repeat.
We couldn’t just fly under the radar and pretend we were there on vacation. The Spirit Vlog had gained enough traction that every place that we went to, someone usually recognized us. It was generally the younger crowd, the ones more computer-savvy, but there was always someone coming up to say hi or covertly taking pictures.
We’ve been careful not to tell anyone where we were about to hunt until it was happening so they had no time to stalk us like Mack did. Unfortunately, some locations we couldn’t hide.
I’d teased the Darklings but with something this big, we’d have to say where we were or someone would for us.
What was to stop one of our streams from hitting the wrong viewer?
“I’m sorry, red. I should have looked into security at the castle. I didn’t even think about it,” Ben said. His voice was off now and I kicked myself for ruining the mood.
“No, don’t let my anxiety bring you guys down. This is exciting, and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have another long investigation. This is what we love to do, and I can’t let my past stop me from enjoying it.”
“This is a castle,” Ryker said. “There’s no way they don’t have some sort of security system in place. I doubt it’s just some gates that close or anything as simple as that. The amount of money that is shown in these pictures is enough for them to havesomething.”
“You’re right,” I agreed. “It’s fine. Bellmore is a small town as well. I’m sure the police would be there within minutes if we needed them. The castle is part of the town, right?”
“It is,” Ben agreed. “You’ve got us, red. Nothing’s going to happen to you.”
Bellmore was just as beautiful in person as it was in pictures. The snow started about an hour out, and by the time we arrived, the salt on the roads was the only thing keeping us on track.
At least in towns like this, they knew how to handle snow. This much snow this quickly would have shut our entire town down.
Even as we drove past the welcome sign on the outskirts of town, we could see the castle looming over the smaller buildings of Bellmore. The mountains painted the landscape behind them and the night sky seemed to scroll out forever.
The twinkling lights lining all the houses and businesses in town seemed to rival the stars blinking up above. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen. This town truly seemed like something out of a fairy tale. This was exactly what I wanted.
Lincoln managed to make it to the castle gates without trouble. In less than five minutes of being in town he’d found the gates to the castle.
He paused in front of them and was about to unbuckle and get out before the gate started to slide open.
“I guess she’s waiting for us,” he muttered as he navigated up the plowed road. There was a new dusting on it, but you could tell that somebody had kept up with it for us. After the hell we went through to get to Bellmore, it was appreciated.
Lincoln parked on the circle drive right in front of the main doors so we could unload a bit easier.
The moment I was out of the car I stretched and took a deep breath of mountain air. It was fresh and crisp and snow was still falling.
“Snow,” I squealed as I blinked up at the falling flakes.
“There’s that smile,” Ethan said, pulling me and kissing me hard. “I was worried for a bit there.”
The front door opened and a woman walked out. I recognized her from the pictures, though she was even more gorgeous in person. Her makeup was practically airbrushed and her dark brown hair was slicked back in a high ponytail.
“You guys made it! I’m so glad,” Elizabeth called out as her high-heeled boots clicked on the steps. How she didn’t slip and fall to her death, I’d never know. I could never walk in shoes like that. I was way too uncoordinated.
“This place is gorgeous,” I told her, looking up at the castle. I couldn’t believe I was standing in front of an honest-to-God castle in America. Sure, we had some ruins here, but this was the first functioning one that I’d ever been to.
“Home sweet home,” Elizabeth muttered, trying to sound enthusiastic and failing. “Sorry. Not to be pessimistic, but this place has been driving me crazy. I’ve never been more ready to leave. My car is already packed.”
“So, tell us what we’re about to face,” Ben said as he walked up, holding out his hand for her to shake. “I’m Ben, by the way.”
“Oh yes, you’re the one I spoke to,” she said, returning the handshake. I was glad that she didn’t give him more than a passing glance before turning and heading up the stairs. “Follow me. I’ll give you a quick tour, and I’ve got the staff ready to meet you.”
There was a line of people standing just inside the door, waiting for our arrival. It was so strange and formal, like she was royalty or something.