Page 63 of Spirits and Snowflakes
“I think she’s on the right track,” Lincoln said, urging everyone over so they were helping rip the shelf apart.
When we turned up empty, Lincoln still wasn’t satisfied.
“Move the shelf,” he demanded. I moved aside as the guys reached for the shelf, forcing it to topple over.
“What’s that on the wallpaper?” Hale asked.
There was something seeping through the wallpaper. It was dark, like ink, and oozing into the crack between the seams of the wallpaper.
I reached up for the edge of the paper and pulled. It peeled away without any effort, revealing a sigil of some kind.
It wasn’t a rune circle that trapped demons, it was something else altogether.
“Here’s hoping my phone survived that attack,” I muttered as I pulled it out of my pocket and called the witches, putting them on speaker.
“Oh my God, are you in a wind tunnel?” Astrid asked. I didn’t answer, simply yelling over the noise.
“I’m sending over a picture now of what we found. He’s fighting hard.”
“Okay, we’re waiting.”
I snapped the picture and sent it into the group text.
“That’s not it,” Rose said. “That is simply strengthening the supernatural abilities. You should definitely get rid of it, but this is not what you need.”
“Damn!” Ben cursed, pulling his sleeve over his palm and rubbing it against the paint. It had been there too long for that to work but the last thing any of us wanted to do was pull out a blade of some kind.
“The fireplace,” Ryker said, reaching for the small shovel they used to scoop out ashes. He started hacking away at it, scraping at the paint and not caring that he was chipping away at the wall a bit.
I don’t think Elizabeth would have cared, either.
“Keep looking,” Lincoln said, “there’s something else.”
“Try the rugs,” Ben suggested. Ethan stayed behind, his back pressed to Ryker’s as he worked, offering protection.
We were a family, a team, and they were brothers first and foremost. They weren’t going to let anything happen to each other. That was the only reason I was able to walk away to keep looking.
The wind picked up in the room, anything loose swirling around us in a small tornado. Bits of wallpaper and decor joined the swirling wind and I had to keep my hands up so a rogue book or vase didn’t give me a concussion.
“This is fucking insane!” Hale yelled as he dropped to the floor, ripping away the plush rugs to reveal the hardwood underneath. “There’s nothing hiding under them.”
Not sure what else to do I started knocking at boards, searching for a loose one.
Lincoln was ripping paintings off the walls, looking at the backs and ripping off the paper to make sure they weren’t hidden.
Ben had moved on to other pieces of furniture, pulling them away from the walls and seeing if there was anything else behind them.
“Stop.” The voice was distorted now, almost like it was using some creepy sound filter.
My stomach lurched as I was plucked from the ground and lifted into the air. The guys were screaming my name, but I was too busy clawing at my throat to answer.
It was hard to get a breath in. I couldn’t even say anything back as I gripped at the invisible fingers clutched around me.
What good was my ability if I couldn’t even see my attacker now.
The invisible man raised my body until I was pinned to the ceiling. With the storm raging below me and a long way down, my panic was rising.
My vision was tunneling, dark spots dancing in my eyes as I fought to take a real breath.