Page 53 of Spirits and Snowflakes
“Those pictures that I mentioned on the website are actually displayed here. There are labels under each one to tell you about them. I’ll be here to answer any questions you have. Otherwise, you are more than welcome to explore.”
“Is there equipment?” a man asked excitedly.
“Yes, our back table has ghost hunting equipment for you to play around with. You can explore the rest of the building at your pace. And please help yourself to coffee or cookies while you’re here.” He gestured to a refreshment table nearby.
“Is it just abandoned offices now?” someone questioned.
“In a way,” he answered thoughtfully. “We’ve put work into cleaning up as much as we could, but it’s full of empty offices and open spaces. Explore at your own risk.”
And that was what the waivers were for on the website.
I wasn’t interested in doing more investigations, especially not after the activity that we have encountered up at Bellmore Castle. I was more interested in chatting with Victor.
I said a quick goodbye to the viewers and ended the stream, letting everyone wave goodbye.
With that, everyone dispersed, most going toward the table for the cookies and coffee, others checking out the ghost-hunting equipment. We rounded on Victor.
“Well, how did I do for my first televised ghost tour?”
“You did amazing,” I promised him. “I didn’t get to read the comments because we were too enthralled in the tour, but I’m sure they’re going to be amazing. Don’t forget to give me your information so I can send proceeds over for whatever we made tonight.
“I told you that I didn’t want to be paid for that.”
“Then consider it a donation,” Lincoln said. Victor looked up at Lincoln’s challenging stare. My man was practically begging Victor to complain. Finally, he just rolled his eyes and nodded.
“Well, the Bellmore Ghost Society is thankful for your donation. Maybe we can do a little bit more to the back if it goes well. I’m not sure anybody is going to want to watch it.”
“There’s been over five hundred thousand hits already on that live,” Ryker admitted. I just checked the numbers. It’s one of our most popular yet.”
Victor’s eyes bugged out at that. “Holy hell,” he gasped.
“You might just have some more visitors in the future,” I grinned.
It was really nice when we could give back like this. We tried to incorporate local businesses like his and he deserved the recognition. This was his passion and it showed in the stories and work he put into the tour.
“So, what kind of activity have you encountered working here? I’m assuming you’ve spent plenty of late nights alone in this building,” Ethan said. Apparently, at some point, he’d gone off and grabbed some cookies, handing one to me and giving a wink before turning his attention back to our tour guide.
“There’s a ghost here that I like to call Sally. I don’t really know why but the name just came to me one day. Now, I hate to admit it, but I’m a bonafide slob. I’m terrible about leaving my water bottles around or not picking up everything or tidying up after the guests because I’m tired after a long day of tours. I’ll come in the next day, and everything is in its place like I had a cleaning crew in. There was one time I even found something in the sink that I knew I left in my office.”
He spoke so fondly of the ghost. It was how I felt about Remington and the others we’d met. Not every ghost deserved to be forced to the other side; something I was just now learning. There was so much we didn’t know about life beyond the veil.
From the moment I stepped foot in Bellmore, I thought the town was gorgeous. It was even better on the weekend now that they had good enough weather to do their normal vendor Saturdays.
The air smelled like sweet treats, mountain air, and spiced nuts. They had booths set up along the street in front of the shops. There was everything from antiques, to little trinkets, and handmade items.
There were also more people here than I’ve ever seen set foot in Bellmore at one time. The line at the coffee shop was insane, but Ben, who had more patience than the rest of us, promised to go in and get our order and meet us back outside.
“So, what do you want to look at today?” Ethan asked as he hooked his arm through mine. I looked up at my bearded man. He looked adorable with his rosy cheeks and wide, excited eyes. He was the epitome of a golden retriever boyfriend, and I loved that about him.
“I’m not sure,” I said as I glanced around. “I’m just going to start at the beginning.”
“Works for me,” he said, leading me toward the first stall.
The table had tiny wooden figures carved to look like animals. They were intricate and beautiful, and I knew each one took time.