Page 14 of Spirits and Snowflakes
“My brother used to be the caretaker at the old cemetery. He would talk about how at night you would hear whispers on the wind. Then on foggy nights he could hear the clattering of bones like the dead were walking again.”
I shivered at the picture he was painting. Cemeteries usually didn’t hold a lot of activity. Ghosts haunted the places they frequented, not the places they were resting. Yet the way he spoke with a slight waver in his voice told me it was no joke.
“What about the lake?” I said. “I saw there was a lake next to the castle. Anything spooky about that?”
“Oh, there’re tons of stories of faces under the ice,” Sadie’s dad said. “That’s actually one stop on the tour. You should definitely take it.”
“Oh, we will be, I promise.”
The afternoon continued on with story after story. Eventually, Ryker joined us again. Ethan handed over his lukewarm hot chocolate and settled in.
They paused the story long enough for him to get comfortable before continuing on. Ben took notes the entire time. If this continued the way it was, he’d have an entire notebook by the time we walked away.
This was the most welcoming a town had ever been to us. We’ve been everywhere from big cities to small towns, but this one had a sense of community that I didn’t think I’d seen anywhere else.
There was a camaraderie between them, a joking teasing that you only find among families and siblings. Bellmore itself had welcomed us with open arms and it only made me like this cute, little town more.
The citizens were definitely talkers. As soon as one person finished a story, another was taking its place. They went on like that, one after the other, until they’d given us a full local history.
“Don’t even get me started on the hardware store.” We shared a look as they kept going, trying to one up each other. I had a feeling half of these were made up but I was loving every second of it.
“God, I’m freezing,” Brea said as she pulled off her coat. We had already kicked off our boots, but wet snow was melting along our coats and hats.
Her face was rosy, but there was a big smile on it. It was a far cry from the woman who sat at the diner telling us how afraid she was.
The talk with the locals seemed to fill us all with excitement again. We were ready to dive into our investigation and see what connections we could make.
I wanted this to be what it used to be for us. Not just an investigation, but our passion.
“I’ve got a few ways I could warm you up,” I teased. The sight of her smiling and happy had me wanting to touch her, to kiss her. “Have you seen the shower here?”
Her eyes darkened at the offer and she slowly started slipping out of her clothes, dropping her sweater and then a long-sleeve shirt before finally revealing her lacy bralette.
The red was stark against her creamy skin and my cock was already straining against my jeans. Minutes ago, my skin had felt numb but now it was warming swiftly as I took her in.
She continued pulling off her jeans and a layer of leggings underneath to reveal the matching set of high-waisted panties.
They curved around her ass perfectly. She turned around and bent down, pulling them off of her ankles.
It was just an excuse to show off her ass because she knew it was my weakness.
“Now you have no choice, baby,” I growled, running my hands over her skin to warm it up. She yelped at my cold fingers.
“Oh hell no, you have to warm those up first,” she said with a laugh. The sound was free and my cock twitched in response.
I stripped out of my clothes as quickly as possible so I could join her as she hurried into the adjoining bathroom.
She had the water on by the time I got there. It was a waterfall showerhead and the steam was already rising in the room.
“Now this is what I needed,” she hummed in appreciation. “Get your ass in here.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I teased, stroking my cock slowly as I walked into the open shower, watching as the water rolled down her full breasts to the soft curve of her hips then cascaded down her toned legs.
“You’re gorgeous, Brea,” I said in a husky voice. I ignored the water and moved behind her, circling my arms around her and pressing my chest into her back, cupping her breasts in my hands.