Page 10 of Spirits and Snowflakes
We slept through the night and made it through breakfast with no crazy activity. The lack of ghostly interference had settled my nerves a bit. With how scared Elizabeth was, I was fully prepared for our defenses to not hold out.
Though the coven hadn’t let us down yet.
My faith was just shaken after the mines.
As soon as we left the room, we were greeted by the cleaning crew. They moved past us to tidy the rooms and fill supplies while we headed to the dining room.
Logan popped out a second later with a bright smile.
“What can I make you guys today?”
“Do you have a specialty?” I asked, curious to see what he’d choose.
“I have an amazing cheesecake-stuffed french toast,” he offered.
“Sign me up,” Ethan said, everyone else easily agreeing.
“Bacon on the side?” he asked.
“Hell, yes,” Ben said. Logan shot us a smile before hurrying out to get started. I felt like a princess having staff to cook and clean for us.
It was kind of nice to not have to take care of the small details and just focus on our work.
Logan was a wizard in the kitchen. He had made some of the best French toast and bacon that I had ever had in my life.
“I’ve got one more delivery coming this afternoon then I think we’ll have everything we need,” Ryker said as he pushed his empty plate away. “We can set up after it gets here. That might take a few hours.”
“We have to learn this maze first,” Lincoln mused. “I got lost finding a bathroom earlier.”
“It’s huge,” I agreed. “We’ll have to do our usual approach of choosing one location each night, or two if we split up.”
“I’m not splitting us up the first night,” Lincoln protested. “Maybe when we’re more comfortable. We have a month, there’s no reason to rush things.”
“Let’s go for a walk in town while we wait,” Ben suggested. “That’ll give the staff a bit more time to work in peace, and then we can set up this afternoon after the rest of Ry’s stuff gets here.”
“That works... I need to plan how to do this. I’m a bit overwhelmed,” Ryker admitted. “This place is huge, and I don’t have enough equipment to do the entire place even with what I ordered. They have enough security feed going that It’ll help a ton but we might need to set up individual areas as we investigate them. I’m going to go meet with Graham before we head back. He’s supposed to be in his office today.”
“I’m in. I want to grab a coffee in town and get a lay of the land,” I said. The prospect of spending the afternoon in the snow and exploring the town had any lingering anxiety drifting away.
It felt wrong to leave the mess on the table but the staff insisted last night that we leave it for them.
We all hurried upstairs to put on something warmer. The flannel shirt and jeans I had on definitely weren’t warm enough.
I put on several layers of clothes before pulling on my coat, hat, gloves, and scarf in hopes it would ward off the wintery cold.
The longest we’d have would probably be from the front doors to the end of the driveway. Even then, I knew we wouldn’t need to drive our way through town. It would be a waste of gas and time, plus I wanted to experience it firsthand. I’d never lived anywhere like this and wanted a local experience.
Now that it was daylight, we could see the small security building waiting just inside the gates. There was a small pathway that led up to it, and an ATV parked outside in case they needed to hurry up to the castle.
Before we could pass by, a man stepped out. He had silver hair and a thick mustache. He was wearing an all-black security uniform and had a gun holstered at his side.
“You must be the ghost hunters,” he said. “I’m Graham, head a security here.”
“I’m Brea,” I offered with a friendly smile. He studied me before looking at Ben and then, one by one, the men told him their names.