Page 19 of Needing His Touch
“You told me this is where you wanted me, and I had an epiphany.” I grin, knowing who had a hand in this but waiting to see if she’ll tell me who helped her figure this out. “Oh, alright, you already know. Gramps helped push me along. This was my idea, though. I’m tired of surviving. I want to live with you, with your family, in Plaine Hill, and I’d like to take you up on that offer to help out at the shop. I’ll still work at the diner, of course. It won’t be easy to learn something new, but I promise to try my hardest.”
“Carsynn—” I start to speak, but she places her hand over my lips.
“Not yet. Don’t say anything, Gabe, show me.” I move one of my hands away from her sweet-as-fuck ass to pull hers away from my mouth.
“Say fucking less.” My mouth takes hers as my hand moves to the back of her head, cupping it while holding on to her with everything I have. Carsynn’s lips are soft and pliant beneath mine, opening greedily to accept my kiss, allowing me inside. My tongue glides along hers in a promise of way more to come. With my woman pliant in my arms, the only thing on my mind is getting her naked, flat on her back, and fucking my cock into her sweet-as-hell pussy.
“Gramps, you need anything else?” I place his usual on the table before filling up his cup of coffee. Everything is back to normal, or as normal as it can be considering how this whirlwind of a romance between Gabe and me has been going. He gives me too much, I refuse to accept, he shuts me up with his mouth, and I’m his willing slave when it comes to him using his cock on me or in me.
“I’m good, sweet pea. You like working two jobs?” I’d bet the tips in my apron Gabe is asking Grandpa Bernie to snoop. My days are slowly dwindling at the diner. Denny and Nikki know I’m working the afternoons and my days off at the shop.
“It’s not so bad. The money is good, and I’ve been able to put myself on a budget to get my savings back to not seeing donuts.” The hardest part in all of this was sitting down with Gabe and showing him what I wanted to save and how much I need to earn weekly in order to get to and from work in my newly acquired vehicle. You know, the SUV Gabe demanded I take because it was sitting around collecting dust. I highly doubt that was the case. Who collects vehicles without driving them? Gabe McCoy apparently. After the uptick in gas with a bigger vehicle, along with insurance, my bills went up in the car owning budget. Which is fine because I no longer pay my rent at the apartment. Gabe with hisI’m the man, I’ll take care of youattitude did not help when I mentioned needing to pay something since we now live together. It did not go over well. I threw a hissy fit while he remained calm, though neither of us was willing to compromise. We were at an impasse. With nothing else to say, I went my way into the bedroom to take a hot bath, and Gabe went his way into the garage. I was worried that I put all my eggs in a basket only for them to fall over and crack. A good ten minutes into my soak later, Gabe came barreling in, shirt off, boots gone, and running his fingers through his tousled hair. He apologized first, saying he wasn’t thinking, that all he wanted to do was give me a good life, and not watch his woman work her body to the bone. It was kind of hard to stay mad at him after that. I nodded, he stepped out of his jeans, I sat up in the bathtub, and Gabe wedged his big body behind me, his cock hard against my lower back, and finally, he agreed to letting me help out. We didn’t get very far into our conversation. I hated being at odds with him. My heart ached, and my mind went haywire there for a while. I needed to see his pretty grey eyes, to look at him instead of the tiles in the bathroom. The minute I spun around, his cock lined up with my pussy, and I sank down. Needless to say, talking stopped after the first inch. The only thing that mattered was the two of us connecting in a more intimate way.
“You’ll get there, sweet pea. There are times when you have to crawl before you can walk. It doesn’t matter your age or stage in life, it just happens.” I nod. It’s hard to swallow the fact when he’s right.
“Yeah, still stinks, though. Alright, let me check on my other tables, and I’ll come back to sit with you.” The chime on the diner door jingles, and my eyes automatically glance up to greet the next customer.
“You go do that. I’m going to take my breakfast and sit with the sheriff. We have a few things to discuss.” Gramps grabs his cup of coffee from the table, as well as his wrapped silverware and plate. I move back, watching as he does something he’s never done before. He leaves my section and heads toward Sheriff Sanders. I shrug my shoulders. He’s now sitting in Olive’s section, so I head back to the back to grab a rag. I’ll wipe down his table and serve the next customer who comes in. Hopefully, it won’t get too busy now that the sheriff is here. I swear the man brings an entourage, and I have no idea why. He’s average looking, just a regular-looking guy to me. Maybe it’s the badge people like. Either way, he’s no eye candy to me, and while I know I’m beyond biased, Gabe McCoy is one thousand times hotter. I’d follow him around everywhere if I could.
I shrug again. Before I clean up the table, I’m going to put my order in with Denny. Then I’ll grab the cleaning supplies, take care of the table, and by then, my brunch will be ready. I still don’t eat breakfast in the morning. It’s too early, and with this newfound sleep my body likes, when Gabe gets up, he works around the garage, still trying to make room for both our vehicles in there. Even though I tell him I’ll just park in the driveway, he’s adamant my SUV is in the garage. The problem with him moving things around is where he’ll put his workout equipment. That sparks a whole different conversation when I mention putting it in one of the spare bedrooms. He’s trying his best to convince me to let him come inside me. He’s come close a few times, talking about how I’d look with my stomach swollen with his child. Yeah, talk about hard to say no. Then I mentioned moving his equipment to the apartment and got another no. He’s says it’s too far away from the house, and eventually, he knows Grandpa Bernie will be in there. So, I just let the man be to figure it out on his own.
“You’re a no-good, high-fallutin’ piece of trash. The town should have kicked your ass out a long-as-hell time ago!” I hear Grandpa Bernie yell on the other side of the kitchen.
“Ah shit, this has been brewing. I better get out there before Sanders decides to do something he’ll regret for the rest of his days.” Denny turns the grill off, places his spatula down on the spoon rest, and walks out as I’m looking over my shoulder.
“What?” I follow him, standing on the tips of my toes to see over the big guy.
“Bernie, don’t go starting an argument you can’t finish. You know as well as I do the reason why I wasn’t going out in the weather. It was going to be a lost cause.” I’m busy pondering what the heck they’re talking about, trying to get closer but not be a gawker, not like it matters. The rest of the diner is tuned in and watching.
“Lost cause, my ass. Gabe was the one who found her. She would have been dead in another few hours. You call yourself a civil servant, but what you are is nothing but a piece of gum on the bottom of my shoe. You’re scum, Sanders, the worst kind there is!” Denny walks closer. My eyes narrow on Sanders as he stands up, the barstool scooting backwards. Gramps does the same. They’re chest to chest, eye to eye, neither backing down. And Grandpa Bernie may be older, but he’s still taller than Sanders and probably could pack a solid punch.
“I wasn’t risking my life for some foolish girl who shouldn’t have been out on the roads.” A pin could drop in the diner. The customers aren’t eating, there’s no movement, and the only thing that can be heard is my sharp intake of breath. Jesus, I didn’t think I was being stupid. Never in my life would I have put someone else’s life at risk for my own.
“Coward, that’s what you are. That’s what your daddy was before you, too.” Gramps hits a trigger with Sanders. The sheriff steps up to him, but Bernie does not back down.
“You listen here, Bernie McCoy. I can make your life a living hell.” Denny takes that time to step between the two men, and I put on my brave face for Gramps. No way am I going to allow a man like Sheriff Sanders to haul Gramps off because of me.
“That’s enough. Gonna have to ask you to leave, Sanders. We all heard you loud and clear,” Denny states, his voice leaving no room for argument.
My eyes move from Sanders to Denny, then to Grandpa Bernie. The sheriff looks fired up, ready to beat either Denny or Bernie. This is not what I signed up for when I came to work today. Where’s Nikki when we need her? She’d bust some heads, and no one would come at her for it.
“Oh no, oh no, no, no.” I move around Denny’s back, watching as Gramps’ hand goes to the back of his chair. My eyes fill with horror. He’s going down, and with his height and weight, the chair won’t be any help, and him hitting the floor will be even worse.
“Denny, oh God! Someone call 9-1-1. We need an ambulance.” I come up beside Gramps, arm wrapping around his waist. Denny springs into action, turning his back to Sheriff Sanders, who isn’t doing a fucking thing but staring in disbelief. What a waste of human space.
“Olive, call Gabe. Sanders, get the fuck out, right now!” Denny barks, and if he weren’t helping me with Bernie, I’d bet the sheriff would have a fist in his face and were laid flat out.
“Gramps, can you hear me? You’re okay. We’re going to make sure of that. Don’t leave Gabe, okay? Don’t leave me,” I whisper into his ear once Denny helps lower him to the ground. I stay near him the whole time, not letting go of his hand, worried that he’s gone forever.
“He’s got a pulse,” Denny states.
“Grandpa Bernie, stay with us. You have a lot of people who love you, including me.” The outside world fades away. All I worry about is the man who took me under his wing, who’s been helping me since I landed in Plaine Hill, this amazing person my man loves so much.