Page 8 of Gabbi's Goalie
I giggle again.
"Tell me about your night."
"It doesn't top yours," I say, suddenly reluctant to bring Atlas up at all. She's laughing and happy. I don't want to bring her crashing back down to earth. But something isn't adding up somewhere. Atlas was so convincing tonight. Is he really that good of a liar?
My heart tells me no. It also tells me Hollie isn't a liar either. What does that leave? I don't know.
"Tell me anyway. Did your brothers try to skip out on Christmas planning again?"
"They both skipped out on meeting up."
"I guess I'll just have to freaking ninja attack them with a Christmas tree and presents again." I shrug. "It worked last time."
"So what happened tonight?"
"I met Atlas," I admit quietly, watching her out of the corner of my eye to gauge her reaction. It might be my imagination, but it looks like she pales slightly. "Actually, I met him yesterday, but I saw him again tonight. He was at the bar with some of his teammates."
"I might have told him off."
"Gabbi, you didn't!"
"I did."
Tears spring to her eyes. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't have to say it. I've known her long enough to be able to read her like a book. The guilt in her eyes is crystal clear. She didn't sleep with Atlas.
"You lied to me."
"I'm sorry!" she cries. "You wanted a name and I panicked. His was on my roster for the day, so I just blurted it out. You're allergic to sports, so I didn't think you'd ever meet him."
"What? Why did you panic?" I press my palms to my cheeks, my mind reeling with mortification. I accused him of taking her virginity and then ghosting her. Oh my gosh. I was so mean to him!
"Be-because I don't want you to hate me," she whispers.
"Hollie." My face falls. "I couldneverhate you."
"You might when you know the truth." Her bottom lip quivers. "Maybe you should anyway. Atlas is a good guy. I shouldn't have given you his name, but once it was out there, I didn't know how to take it back."
"I won't hate you," I promise. It's unfathomable how she could even think I ever could.
"I'm in love with your brother." Tears spill down her cheeks. "I've been in love with him since I met him, so I d-did something awful."
"What did you do?" I'm almost afraid to ask, but I'm not sure how it can get any worse.
"I slept with him at Roman's club. Only he doesn't know it was me. There was a masquerade party and we got carried away. I was going to tell him, but I was afraid he'd never forgive me. I just…freaked out so I ran."
My heart sinks. I was wrong. Itcanget worse.
"Oh, Hollie." I throw my arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug. I feel awful for not knowing she had a thing for Jordan. I've always suspected that he was into her. It's just the way he looks at her. But she's always been so shy and quiet around him. I can't even wrap my mind around the fact that they hooked up at Roman's club, The Sterling Rope. I can't even process that shewentto Roman's club.
It's a BDSM club. I only know it exists because it was impossible for Roman and Jordan to hide it from me, but most of Silver Spoon Falls knows nothing about its existence. It's a closely guarded secret, held only by those who walk through the doors. My brother banned me from ever stepping foot inside. I guess the same rule doesn't apply to Hollie.
I didn't even know shewantedto go. It's like my best friend is this whole other person I never knew, one who takes big risks, even if they end in disaster. When have I ever done that? Never. I've always played it safe and done what was expected of me.
I'm disappointed that she lied to me. I'm disappointed that she thought she couldn't tell me the truth. But I'm not mad. I…envy her. She went after what she wanted. Maybe she didn't do it the right way. Maybe she made a mess of everything along the way, but she tried. That takes courage.