Page 64 of My Forbidden Billionaire
I chuckle softly. “Honesty is always appreciated.”
Jacob leans back in his chair, his expression turning serious. “Honestly, I’ve been struggling a bit, lately. I’ve had a hard time focusing at work, and I just haven’t felt like myself.”
I can tell he’s holding back. And I know it’s because he’s trying to protect my feelings. But I feel the same way, and every ounce of my being wants to tell him that. But I also feel like it’s not fair. Because I’m the one that put us in this situation ... and I don’t have a solution.
I take a deep breath, trying to control my emotions. And that’s when I decide it’s best to just be honest with him. “I’m struggling too,” I confess softly, meeting his gaze. “Because if I’m honest, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the day I bumped into you on the sidewalk, and ... I feel like walking away from you was the biggest mistake of my life.”
Jacob’s eyes widen in surprise at my words. It’s as if he’s finally hearing what he’s been hoping for, but never dared to assume. “Jo...” he starts, his voice low and hoarse with emotion. “I lo—”
“Miss Andrews!” Jacob and I both startle at the sound before turning to see Ms. Abadie standing in the doorway, her eyes narrowing as she takes in our proximity to one another. She gives us both a disapproving glare before turning to me. “What are you two doing in here?” she snaps.
But before I can say anything, Jacob speaks. “Ms. Abadie, it’s great to see you. I had heard that Jameson Juniper Hall has amazing hot cocoa from Switzerland, and Miss Andrews here was kind enough to show me where it was.” Jacob says, his voice calm and collected.
My heart races as I watch Jacob expertly diffuse the situation but I can’t help but fume at Ms. Abadie’s intrusion at the most inopportune time.
She sniffles, eyeing us suspiciously. “I see. Well, the intermission is about to end. I suggest you both head back to the auditorium. This area is for faculty only.”
Jacob stands up, nodding politely at Ms. Abadie. “Of course.”
I mouth the words thank you to Jacob before following him out of the teacher’s lounge, my heart is heavy with disappointment over the words that were left unsaid.
I can feel Ms. Abadie’s eyes drilling holes into my back, as she follows closely behind.
Jacob whispers to me, “If that woman gives you any more grief, just send her to me.” I smile at him in relief and gratitude and nod my head in the affirmative.
As Jacob and I are about to make our way back inside the auditorium, Ms. Abadie clears her throat and calls out my name, “Miss Andrews!”
I freeze in my tracks, reluctantly turning to face her.
“I must insist that you come with me backstage for the remainder of the evening,” she states firmly. Jacob looks at me with concern in his eyes, but I shake my head slightly, silently telling him not to worry.
“Of course, Ms. Abadie,” I say, my voice steady. “Is there something wrong?”
“I need a chaperone for the rest of the talent show,” she explains curtly. “All hands on deck.”
I nod, knowing better than to argue with her.
Jacob disappears inside the auditorium and I follow Ms. Abadie. As we make our way backstage, she corners me. “Listen, Miss Andrews. I don’t pay you to fraternize with the parents. This is a school event, and you are to remain professional at all times,” she hisses.
“I understand, Ms. Abadie,” I reply, feeling my blood boil at her condescending tone. “But surely you can see that we were just enjoying a cup of hot cocoa during the intermission. It’s not like we were making out in the hallway or something.”
“Regardless, I don’t want to see you getting too friendly with any of the parents, especially not Mr. Carlton.” She sneers as she says his name, like it’s a dirty word.
I bite back my retort, knowing that arguing with her won’t do me any favors. Instead, I nod my head placidly. “I understand, Ms. Abadie,” I repeat obediently.
As the talent show resumes, I find myself struggling to focus. All I can think about is Jacob—the way he looked at me earlier, the unfinished sentence he left hanging between us. I can’t help but wonder what he was about to say.
Was he going to tell me he loved me?
Or was it something else entirely?
Chapter Twenty-Four
I’m standing in front of my literature class, but my mind is still reeling from my encounter with Jacob last night. I can’t shake off the feeling that we left something unsaid, and it’s driving me crazy. Ms. Abadie was tight on my heels all evening, so I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.
I clear my throat and try to regain my focus.