Page 57 of My Forbidden Billionaire
I hate myself for putting my job before love.
Jacob nods his head in agreement, his eyes searching mine for understanding. “I know ... I wish I could offer you more than just stolen glances and secret conversations,” he says, his voice laced with regret. “But I understood every word you said to me, Jo. Your job, your career—all of that is on the line, and I respect your decision,” he replies as his eyes bore into mine.
I bite my lip, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill over. It’s not fair that we can’t be together, not when every fiber of my being is screaming for him.
“My feelings for you haven’t changed,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper.
I just wish I could stop letting other people’s rules and expectations of me dictate my life choices.
Jacob leans in, his hand reaching out to cup my cheek. The touch of his warm skin against mine sends shivers down my spine and I can feel the heat pooling in my stomach.
“I feel the same,” he murmurs. Our eyes lock onto each other, and I can see an ocean of longing and desire.
But only for a moment.
The spell breaks as my friends return from their trip to the restroom, and they take their seats at our table.
“Ladies, it was a pleasure meeting you tonight.” Jacob nods at me with a superb smile, and exits the restaurant.
Then, the waiter arrives with one final piece of news. “Ladies, your bill has been covered in full, by Mr. Jacob Carlton. He wishes you a pleasant evening.”
Chapter Twenty-One
“You know this just as well as I do. I can’t date him. We’ve had this conversation before—” I explain to Emmy and Larisa.
“But, Jo … this is insanity,” Larisa interjects. “I’m sorry, but I have to say. It’s gotten to a point where you are literally denying this guy, and denying yourself, but it really seems like you’re giving up something truly amazing.”
“I have to agree with her, Jo,” Emmy says. “Can’t you reconsider? I know that your job is on the line but … perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your priorities.”
Her words strike me like a bolt of lightning. “What are you even talking about?” I ask.
“Well … I know that we all talked about this before. But, to tell you the truth, watching all this unfold, and seeing the way you two interact, I’ve changed my mind. I mean, I do understand the danger of you getting fired. However, it really does seem to me like you like Jacob. A lot. As for him, I would go so far as to say that he loves you. So the question is … what happens now? Is your job still your number one priority?” Emmy asks.
I blink at her—unsure of what to say because honestly, I’m not even sure what to think anymore.
“I also sincerely believe that Jacob loves you,” Larisa adds. “You don’t go to such efforts for someone who is just a random crush. The man was patient and persistent. Not only that, but he took the time to find out your favorite flowers and candy and then filled your apartment with them. He sent you a first edition copy of your favorite novel. And don’t even get me started on the personalized dates he planned for you. That’s not the kind of stuff you do for someone you just want to date for a little while.”
“His daughter told him all that,” I say, trying to brush it off.
“So? He paid attention, remembered it, and used it. And, more importantly, he wanted to make you happy. He could have easily sent you a Prada bag or a pair of diamond earrings that his assistant bought off some website. But he didn’t. He took the time to learn what you like and what truly makes you happy,” Larisa explains.
My head is light and dizzy and a million thoughts race through my mind. “I … don’t know what to say.”
“I think you need to figure out how you feel about Jacob,” Emmy adds, in the same warm, kind manner. “Because if you share his feelings and truly love him then you can’t let anything come between you anymore. Not even your position at the school.”
“But love doesn’t pay the bills. And the school rules are clear—”
“Jo, he’s a billionaire. I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to help you,” Larisa interjects.
“I know he would help me, but I’m not interested in his money—I’ve always prided myself on being independent. At that point, I’d be no better than Tom.”
Emmy and Larisa exchange a look before Emmy speaks up. “Jo, no one is expecting you to depend on Jacob or his money. We’re simply encouraging you to follow your heart.”
I bite my lip, feeling the weight of their words.
Then Jacob’s voice comes to my mind as I recall the phone call during which I shot him down. It makes my stomach churn to know I turned away a man who cares so deeply for me. A man who has shown me more love than anyone else ever has…