Page 55 of My Forbidden Billionaire
“Okay, Larisa. You’re acting like we’ve been lost in the woods for weeks when you literally ate a muffin at Starbucks within the last four hours—”
“Five hours,” Larisa declares.
“Josephine Andrews?” the host calls from the front of the line.
“Did he just say your name?” Larisa looks at me in shock.
I’m equally shocked because we never gave the host our names. This place makes people wait around in line like they’re about to receive the newest iPhone.
“Do I have a Josephine Andrews here?” the host calls out again.
“Over here.” I raise my hand. Everyone in line is staring at us now as the host approaches.
“Your table is ready, come with me.” He gestures toward the front door. I look at my friends and we exchange confused glances, before following him inside. I can feel the curious glances of the people in line burning into my back.
“What is happening?” Emmy whispers as we follow the host to our table.
“I have no idea,” I reply, my heart racing in anticipation.
Inside, the restaurant is far more luxurious than I’d imagined. As a result, it’s also far emptier, despite the hundred or so people waiting outside to be seated.
“Why are they keeping all these tables empty?” Larisa asks as the host takes us to a table somewhere at the back of the restaurant.
“For all the important people, I think. Or they don’t want to crowd the ones that are already inside. Like I said before, this is the best Korean food in Boston,” Emmy explains.
“So, why did they let us in? Are we important?” I ask, taking my coat off and trying to settle in my chair. But as my eyes glide aimlessly around the restaurant, I don’t have to look for an answer anymore. I understand why we were allowed in and why we were given a table right at this very spot.
“Jo? Are you alright? Your cheeks look like they’re on fire. Is it too hot in here? Do you need a glass of water?” Larisa asks.
It’s very hot, but not because of the temperature.
I cast a small glance toward my right, and I can see him staring directly at me. Jacob is positioned perfectly, right across from my own table. He’s having dinner with a group of men dressed in very expensive dark suits—most likely, a business dinner. Even though Jacob is wearing the exact same thing as the other men, he stands out like a pearl among rocks. His perfect, handsome face has the poise of a marble statue.
My mind is racing, trying to comprehend the fact that Jacob is here, in this very restaurant, just a few feet away from me. I can feel his eyes on me, and the heat of his gaze sends shivers down my spine. But I try my best to keep my composure and act as if this is a regular night out with friends.
“Jo? What’s happening?”
“Okay, guys, I need you to be as cool and elegant as possible about this, got it? And I mean it. Right there, to our right … is Jacob Carlton.”
Emmy lets out a small gasp but immediately disguises it as a cough. Larisa keeps a straight face, but I can see that her eyes have widened. I know that both of them are dying to turn their heads and look at him, but I refuse to let that happen.
“No way! He’s here? And so close? Hey, maybe that’s why we were able to get in!” Emmy says and she pretends to be looking at her menu now.
“You think, Sherlock?” Larisa replies sarcastically. “I knew there was something fishy about that. But the real mystery is how did he know that you’re here, Jo?”
“He didn’t. When we were outside, waiting in line, I saw a limousine pass by. It made me think of him, but I brushed it off. After all, it’s a big city. It went around the corner. I suppose it was him, after all. He must have seen us standing outside and left instructions for the host.”
“Wow … that’s clever, and very kind of him,” Emmy says.
“But, really, how did he even get in? We didn’t talk to him, let alone see him,” Larisa says.
“Maybe he entered through the back entrance? That’s probably where they let their VIP customers in. You know, celebrities and other rich people who just want their privacy.” Emmy shrugs.
I steal a glance at him and our eyes meet. His lips curve up into a warm smile, one that reaches his beautiful eyes. I feel my own lips reflexively turn upwards at the corners as I’m transported back to the night I met him on the street. And then again the first day of school. And every day we’ve spent together since. I reminisce about the way he took the time to learn my favorite movie, my favorite book, my favorite flowers and desserts, even the origin of my name, and then incorporated those things into one-of-a-kind experiences that I’ll never forget.
Why did I have to fall for a man who’s completely off-limits?!
“Shall we order, then?” Emmy asks. “I made up my mind.”