Page 7 of Her Secret Baby (Forbidden Fantasies 4)
Finally, Regina’s first day is done. After the tour, we had breakfast, and then she took the kids to the pool. I retreated to my study to get some work done, but I could hear them hollering and splashing. Regina’s gentle tones sounded out above the din sometimes, and I admit: I strained to hear her voice.
I got no work done, of course, because I was thinking about our nanny non-stop. She’s gorgeous and already gets along with my kids like a house on fire. It’s only the first day, and yet they’ve welcomed her into their little world. I’d love to get to know her better.
But then again, she’s the nanny, and it’s bad form to get involved with someone that my kids are already so attached to. Where would I find someone as competent as Regina again? Not to mention, I’d probably be accused of sexual harassment or making this a hostile workplace. Right in my own home too.
Ruefully, I shake my head. There’s just no way to win. I’d be screwing myself over if I got involved with the nanny, and that’s the long and the short of it.
I sigh, standing up. Dinner was long and convoluted, especially since all five of my kids like to talk over one another, and because they all like different foods too. Rufus wolfed down his burger, but Rachel wouldn’t touch hers. We had to get the chef to prepare special peas for Rebecca, and Rico, as always, ate us all under the table. I love my son, but he’s growing quick. He’s devouring food by the truckload, even if he’s gangly still.
But now, all the kids are in bed, and Regina’s retreated to her suite. I imagine her there: taking a bubble bath and getting that lovely skin soaped up. Slipping into a pink negligee, and then getting into that virginal bed. I’d love to be there with her, and to pull that curvy form close to mine.
Maybe I’ll go say goodnight. It is her first night with us, after all, and it’s the polite thing to do. Then my eyes catch sight of the clock. Shit, it’s almost midnight already. There’s no way she’s still up. She’s probably dead tired from managing my kids all day. I know, because I’m usually dead tired when I have to do it myself.
Still, maybe I’ll knock on her door to be courteous. If she doesn’t answer, then no harm, no foul. I’ll just go upstairs to my suite and get a good night’s rest.
Setting on a course of action, I leave my office and wander through the house until I come to Regina’s suite. From the other side of the long hallway, I can see a rectangle of light under her door. Perfect. She’s still up. I’ll say good night, and then take my leave.
But as I approach her door, I see that actually it’s slightly ajar. And now, there are breathy, moaning sounds coming from the room. Immediately, my body stiffens. Is she …? No, she wouldn’t right? This is Regina’s first day. She wouldn’t be so bold.
I creep up to her door, and it’s slightly ajar. Should I push it open? But then, a particularly long, melodious moan hits my ears, and against my better judgment, I nudge the door open before looking in the crack. The sight that greets me has my staff standing on full attention immediately. Regina’s on her hands and knees on the bed, a silky negligee pulled up over her bottom. Her heart-shaped ass is facing my way, and oh shit, but there’s a huge monster buried in there.
Her cheek is pressed against the virginal white coverlet, and she moans as she thrusts the dildo even further into her pussy.
“Mmmm!” is her delighted cry, her lashes fluttering. “Oh fuck!”
I can’t believe it. I watch, fumbling for my cock, as that huge toy disappears into her body, only to reappear, glistening wet with her fluids.
“Ohhh!” she wails again while sliding it in again. “Oh fuck!”
I can’t believe it. Is this the innocent, lovely girl who stood on my doorstep this morning, looking not a day over eighteen? Is this the woman who’s been shaking those huge breasts in my face all day? Right now, her enormous tits are pressed flat against the mattress, but they’re so huge that the creamy flesh squeezes out the sides. I watch hungrily, as one of her hands goes up to fondle a big tit, squeezing a pink nipple.
Oh fuck, oh fuck. What do I do? I desperately want to join her in the room. I want to replace that toy with the real thing, and ream her deep while giving her my full length. I want Regina to cry out my name while she squeals and moans, her curvy body shuddering.