Page 24 of Her Secret Baby (Forbidden Fantasies 4)
I linger a bit in the shower myself. Regina’s not the only one who’s had a constant stream of workouts, and I let the hot water pound my muscles. Shit. Is she my girlfriend? It certainly feels like it, seeing that we’re spending every night together. We’re even in the master suite together right now, despite my children being awake.
Sauntering from the bathroom, I head over to the closet to start getting dressed. I’m perfectly happy and irrationally content. In fact, I’m even whistling, and it feels good.
Once I’m dressed I start for the kids but then, I hear Regina’s voice coming from the other walk-in closet, and I turn around with a smile. She must not know that I’ve come out of the shower because she’s on the phone, talking with someone in a hushed voice. Her voice is muffled, but I can make out some of the words.
“I love him, Denise,” I hear her say. “I have never been happier in my life before.”
Oh shit, she loves me? That is, if she’s talking about me. But my heart swells with happiness because frankly, I love her too. I’ve been insanely content with Regina under my roof, and I’d love to keep her here longer. There’s a brief pause while the person on the other end of the line speaks, and then Regina speaks again.
“These last four weeks have been life changing, and I actually feel attractive for the first time in my life.” That makes no sense at all. How could she not feel attractive? I certainly worship her curves each night until we’re both panting and gasping.
The next few minutes are maddening because all I hear are short phrases with no context.
“Uh huh.”
“You might be right.”
“Okay. You take care too. Bye now, girlfriend.”
Suddenly, the pitter patter of small feet sounds in the hall, and I know I need to take care of business. I step out into the hall calmly, closing the door to the master suite behind me.
“Geronimo!” Rebecca squeals. The kids tumble down the stairs, and I follow them nonchalantly to the kitchen. My heart’s still racing. She loves me? But my kids need my attention now.
“I’m pretty sure medieval knights never knew any Apaches,” I say with a smile.
“Huh?” asks Ronnie, his blue eyes quirking up at mine.
I laugh at my son. “Geronimo. He was an Apache chief, and a great warrior.”
“Did the Patchetties fly?” asks Rachel innocently.
“Apache,” I say. “Uh-Patch-EE.”
She nods at me again.
“Did they fly?”
“What in the world are you asking that for?”
She shakes her head, and Ronnie steps in.
“Well, why else do people shout ‘Geronimo’ when they jump?”
I nod.
“Good question. Paratroopers would shout ‘Geronimo’ for luck when they jumped, and I’m not sure there’s any good reason for it. It’s just tradition. It’s a very smart question, though. If I see any Apache chiefs around, I’ll make sure to ask them.”
Ronnie doesn’t seem entirely satisfied with that answer, but he doesn’t press any further because Rico has just arrived. “All set, Dad,” my oldest son sighs. “We’re all packed.”
At that moment, Regina strides in, freshly showered. Her wet hair is combed back, and she looks absolutely innocent with those big brown eyes and demure sweater set. If my kids only knew what we’d been doing twenty minutes earlier …
But they have no idea, and Rico brightens when he sees his nanny. “I packed a couple toys for the twins,” he says in an off-hand manner. “Threw them in the bag.”
Regina smiles at him. “Great thinking, Rico. I can see why your father trusts you to help him with the younger kids. You’re reliable.”
By the look on Rico’s face, anyone would think someone had just given him a puppy. He’s staring at Regina with nothing short of worship. Then again, so am I. Every second watching her with the kids only makes me love her more.
Just then, the twins decide to do an impromptu performance of a scene from Shrek.
“Presenting Princess Fiona, er Rebecca!” Rufus announces, before Rachel barrels into him and knocks both of them sprawling. The princess in question extends a regal hand.
“Rise, my loyal subjects!”
The kids hop up and salute her crisply enough to make any drill sergeant proud. Ronnie doffs his pirate hat, and Rico continues to smile knowingly from his corner. He glances at Regina occasionally to make sure she sees how mature he is for having outgrown this kind of childish behavior. I love how he adores her.
“All right!” my lovely nanny announces, clapping her hands. “It’s time to mount your chariot for the long voyage ahead! Princess Rebecca!” Rebecca snaps to attention, her curls bouncing. She looks so damned cute that I nearly ruin the moment by laughing. “Lead the way, fair lass! Sir Ronald?”
“My lady?” Ronnie says.
“You take the rear. Guard your charges with your life!”