Page 17 of Her Secret Baby (Forbidden Fantasies 4)
“Really?” he arches one eyebrow. “How is it good?”
“It means Rufus and Rachel usually get into the same trouble, instead of twice the trouble,” I laugh
“Those two are a handful,” he acknowledges, shaking his head.
“Well, you just have to be a little creative, that’s all,” I say. “Anyway, I’d finally gotten Rebecca to take a break from being threatened by an evil monster, and Ronnie was no longer rescuing her. I set them up with a movie in the playroom and I headed down to check on Rico.”
“I’ll bet he loved that. Rico is twelve going on thirty-five.”
I shake my head at the sarcasm in his voice.
“Actually, your son didn’t mind at all. He was working on his homework diligently, and I told him I’d check in on him to see if he needed help. It was going great.”
Ryan nods and says, “I’m not sure he would have done that with anyone else. You’re a miracle worker, Regina.”
I smile and take another sip of my drink.
“I know.”
He chuckles and his eyes sparkle.
“I like a girl with sass.”
I sass him right back.
“I know you do, boss.”
Ryan really lets go then, a deep belly laugh, and I decide I like the sound. Then I continue with the story.
“So before I get to Rico, I hear Rufus telling Rachel he can’t let go. I peek around the corner and the little boy is hanging from one of the wine bottles from a rack about six feet off the ground. Evidently, he’d overheard you talking about raspberry chocolates being in there somewhere? He and Rachel were searching for them and while he was climbing, he grabbed a bottle and it slid forward, so he was hanging off the ground.”
“But his weight kept it wedged in place?” Ryan laughs.
“Yes! And Rachel was pulling out the bottles on the lower parts of the rack so she could climb up to help, which would have been an even bigger disaster. But then she just told him to let go and she’d catch him.”
“Instead, you rescued them,” Ryan finishes. I smile and take another sip while nodding. The handsome man laughs then. “My son must have heard me describing a bottle of my raspberry chocolate port wine from Lisbon. That’s hilarious. These kids, you never know what they overhear, and what they’re going to do with the information.”
I giggle.
“Well, when you put words like ‘raspberry’ and ‘chocolate’ together within earshot of a child, you’re asking for trouble.”
He chuckles.
“Trust me, with five kids you don’t need to ask for trouble. It’s already there.” He smiles as he says this, the same smile he had at breakfast the other day when the kids came barreling downstairs and nearly tackled him. The love in his eyes clashes with the image of a domineering CEO, but it fits the image of doting father perfectly, and I feel very attracted. There’s something about a strong father figure that’s sexy, and I’m drawn to Ryan. He laughs again when thinking about the shenanigans, revealing that movie star smile.
“You’re managing so well with five,” I tease. “Have you thought about having more?”
Ryan’s answer is immediate.
“Hell no! I have the perfect number of kids already. Any more would cause my blood pressure to spike,” he adds chuckling. “It’s enough trouble as is. They’re costing me so much money, and I’m getting grey hair because of it.”
“I don’t know,” I say teasing. “I think you like a little trouble.”
Ryan shoots me a look that’s somehow meaningful and hungry at once. It’s a very different smile from the pleasant one he had just a moment ago. Warmth spreads through me, and not just from the drink. But he cocks his head, as if thinking, and then speaks again.
“No, I’m serious,” he says. “I definitely don’t want any more children. I’m overwhelmed as is, and can’t imagine adding to my brood. You see how they are. They’re all different from one another, and sometimes, I feel like I’ve got five different personalities to cater to. Except there’s only one of me, so I’m stretched thin. No, no more children for me. Ryan Blythe is done.”
I smile gently.
“Well, at least five different personalities keeps things interesting! Who wants a bunch of boring, straight-laced children anyway? You should count yourself lucky!”
“I suppose when you put it that way…”
“They’re beautiful Ryan,” I say sincerely. “You should be very proud of them. They’re so bright and funny and so much like…” Like you. That’s too overboard, like I’m trying to be a sycophant, and I stop myself just in time. “They’re just wonderful,” I finish. “You’ve done a great job with them.”
He shakes his head.
“No. A bunch of nannies and Ursula have done a great job with them.”
“You’re not giving yourself enough credit,” I say quietly. Then, I feel my cheeks grow hot and I take a sip of my drink to steady myself. “I just mean you’re a great father no matter who might have helped in the process.”