Page 42 of The President and the Starlet
Linda, the hyena, seemed to think this was hilarious because she let out a high pitched half-shriek / half-giggle then.
“What? Work on a Saturday night? Who does that?”
Tyler, Mason and I looked at each other incredulously. Was this really happening? I realize we’re not from Knox, but yes, people do work on Saturdays sometimes.
After all, we got to be billionaires by putting in the hours. That means evenings and weekends, blood, sweat and tears all the way. These two chicks were so out of touch, going googly-eyed and giggling like nincompoops. God. Just kill me now.
But it was better to be nice. This was my bud’s wedding, after all.
“My company’s busy right now, we’re in the middle of acquiring Little Mortie’s Cupcakes. It’s not a done deal yet, but almost. So yeah, there was some work on the table.”
That got a reaction then. Linda and Stacy squealed in unison, the sound shrill and piercing.
“Oh my god! We love Little Mortie’s!”
“Those cupcakes, are like, so good. We eat them all the time!”
Yeah, right. Did these crazy girls expect us to believe they’d eat cupcakes? More like anything with sugar and cream was toxic, going into the trash immediately. But I smiled politely, hemming and hawing, trying to keep the ladies at bay.
“Sure,” was my noncommittal reply. “I’ll get you some samples.”
The girls screamed in unison then, hands going up to cover their mouths.
“Yes!” breathed Stacy, eyes wide.
“More!” screamed Linda, practically orgasming.
It was hard not to roll our eyes. After all, this was all fake, not to mention over-the-top dramatic.
But finally, the girl we were waiting for walked in the door. Yes, Katie. Yesterday, she’d been gorgeous despite that ugly green dress, but today, there was no more dress. And as a result, the female was absolutely ravishing, a goddess to behold. The modest, floral outfit she wore spoke of innocence, showcasing those curves to perfection. Her brown hair was down and curly, floating above her shoulders.
But I’m no angel. My eyes roamed all over that body. The memory of those Double D’s spilling out as we undressed her caused my dick to jerk involuntarily. I wanted to motorboat those luscious tits and then use them to jerk off before splashing my cum all over her chest. Damn! She had me wrapped around her finger from “Hello.”
But there’s a time for everything, and that time wasn’t now. So instead, we went easy.
“Hey you,” I drawled lazily.
A beautiful smile wreathed the female’s face before she snapped to. Oh yeah, it was like there were birds tweeting, baby deer coming to lie at our feet as violins played. But there were people around, so the girl quickly took her seat.
“Hi, everyone. Sorry I’m late,” came that sweet voice.
And the woman reached for an ice cold glass of water then. Like a parched desert traveler, she gulped the liquid, throat visibly moving with each swallow. That’s right baby, put out that fire starting inside of you. You know you want some more of what we gave you.
But enough is enough. There was no need for a show. We were about to launch into normal conversation when Stacy’s screech cut through the air.
“Kane is a CEO, did you know? A real, live CEO!” she tittered. But it didn’t stop then. “His company is buying Little Mortie’s Cupcakes, we love that stuff, don’t we girls?”
The woman’s voice literally made me nauseous, difficult to stay upright in my seat. But none of the other ladies noticed.
Linda on my left chimed in, “He must be worth millions!”
And then Elaine waltzed over from nowhere, determined to have the last word.
“Actually, they’re billionaires,” she said smugly, crossing her arms over her chest. “Count ‘em girls. That’s nine zeros, in case you need help.”
I frowned at the blonde. Bride or no bride, this was bad manners. Never talk about money or religion, got it? But Elaine is unstoppable, nodding proudly as if we were her sons.
Collectively, more ooh’s and ahh’s rose around the table. Damn, these skinny chicks were getting wet just thinking about our money. They were all so turned on by our huge bank accounts and nothing more. Shit. Women are the same everywhere huh? Up in New York and down here in the middle of nowhere as well.