Page 31 of The President and the Starlet
Oh my god, was our secret safe?
Did they see Tyler pop his dick out during the ceremony?
Did they see how I eyed it hungrily?
Because I wasn’t expecting much from this wedding. After Elaine’s shit fit, I figured I’d stumble down the aisle, smile frozenly during the vows, and then go to the reception and be merry. A normal level of merry, not weird and drunken.
But suddenly, the world was different. Regular Katie, the old me, is level headed. I’m the one who’s always the designated driver, the one people make fun of because I set a hard stop a two drinks per night.
But suddenly, the world seemed like it was full of magic and endless possibilities. A golden glow limned everything, making each object shine. Even regular people like Elaine’s Aunt Ida seemed out of a fairytale, her glasses sparkling mysteriously, that tightly curled white hair snowy and pristine.
It’s the influence of the groomsmen, Tyler, Kane and Mason. I know it deep in my bones, the certainty permeating my being. The three of them have transformed everything, making even the mundane extraordinary.
Because Tyler, Kane and Mason are hands-down gorgeous, putting all the other guys to shame. And it wasn’t their thousand dollar suits. It was them, full stop. Tall and commanding, with bronzed skin and penetrating blue eyes that made me go liquid deep inside. Builds that were straight out of a muscle mag with broad shoulders and deep chests, narrowing to a vee. The three of them were male model perfect, except they weren’t male models at all.
Because male models are twenty-one year old beanpoles, guys who have cereal for brains. By contrast, these dudes are titans of industry, people who have so much money that it simply didn’t matter anymore. Bobby had mentioned a little in passing. The Virgin Islands? Please, these folks had their own private islands. Gstaad? They owned a slope in the Austrian Alps. And as for this wedding, Tyler, Mason and Kane had allegedly flown in on a private plane, just the three of them in the cabin.
So I was out of my comfort zone for sure. Because no one’s ever been interested in me. My hair’s too frizzy, the brown curls puffing up like a poodle sometimes. And I can’t find anything to wear, the shops only have stuff for girls who are half my size. So yeah, either I’m dressed like a grandma or a nun, take your pick.
But for some reason, these guys found me attractive. Despite the fugly green dress, their eyes were glued to my form the entire ceremony. And when Tyler popped his cock out? I almost dropped to my knees right then, begging him for a taste, saliva heavy in my mouth.
So when they surrounded me during cocktail hour, it’d been all I could do not to offer myself then. I wanted to rip off my dress and spread my legs, cooing and beckoning, urging them to use my body.
But no, this made no sense. This is me, Katie Evans, boring girl. Not just dull, but a twenty-two year-old virgin. It’s crazy, I know. Most girls lose their virginity at fourteen, but here I am, a whole eight years older, and still intact. I’ve never had a man in there, not penis, not fingers, not anything. I’ve never even pushed a toy in. Sure, the vibrator rubs against my clit, making me scream and juice, but there’s no penetration. I guess being a romantic at heart, the thought of long, hard, live dick being my first makes my heart thump with anticipation.
But now it was time for the wedding dinner. Suddenly, reality came crashing down. Oh god, oh god. Of course, as members of the wedding party, we were seated at the same round table, strewn with flowers and crystal.
But instead of feeling relaxed and happy, nervous energy gnawed at me from the inside. Why oh why did I have to be wearing this hideous dress? Why was it such a gross-looking shade of green, making my skin look sallow? Why would Tyler, Mason and Kane be interested in me, anyways? Wouldn’t they rather have a model or actress? Or just someone thin?
Oh no.
Kill me now.
Just vaporize my form, and I’ll be forever grateful.
But no such thing was forthcoming. I’d used up my nine lives already and it was too late. So instead, I hid in the bathroom stall for a few minutes, catching my breath and trying to stabilize a little.
There’s magic waiting to happen,the voice inside chimed. Let yourself go with the flow, Katie. Let the real you out.
Bullshit,the devil on my shoulder sneered. Guys like that? They could get anyone. They’d never be interested in a big girl.
But the devil had to be wrong. I knew it had to be wrong, my spidey sense can be off sometimes, but not this off. So forcing myself to stare into the mirror, I took stock of my form. Big and sassy yes, but also attractive in a luscious way. My caramel eyes were warm, the soft slope of my nose pert and delicate. They like me, I reminded myself fiercely. Don’t forget.
And taking a deep breath, my feet carried me back outside. It felt like people were watching, but really, no one noticed. The guests laughed and chatted, glasses tinkling merrily, just like any other party.
Except as I approached the table, all three men stood up causing e to flush with embarrassment and pleasure at once. Chivalry wasn’t dead after all, and this sweet gesture proved it. None of the guys around here ever did that; at least not for me anyway.
“Thank you,” I murmured, ducking my head shyly.
Speak up!scolded the voice inside. Stop mumbling like an awkward schoolgirl. You belong here, now act like it!
So taking another deep breath, I met the gazes of the three men full-on, almost seared by the bright blue. Oh god, they were sexy, their looks knowing and hot, even in the middle of the crowded reception hall. Was it weird? Was it strange? It had to be, there were three of them, and only one of me. What girl does this?
But there was no time to contemplate because the minute we were seated, all the other bridesmaids began throwing themselves shamelessly at Tyler, Kane and Mason. And I mean take-no-prisoners shameless. Stacy, a particularly aggressive blonde, began jabbering on and on about sports, although I knew for a fact she knew absolutely nothing about athletics. She must have read in some women’s magazine that guys like sports, thus her endless prattle.